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Not too long ago, a rusty old caravan was being pushed upon a dirt road, leading to an unknown place, surrounded by fields of overgrown weeds on both sides. Inside that caravan was a girl and a boy, their ankles and wrists tied with ropes.

The boy was wide awake, sitting with his feet propped up, trying his best to get a glimpse of the outside, but failed to do so, as the caged roof had been covered with a cloth. One measly hole showed him a little bit, though, but not enough to understand what exactly was in store for them.

 The girl, however, had fallen asleep, the endless bumps in the path they were on making her frail frame bounce occasionally. Then suddenly, the sounds of horns and trumpets playing in the distance woke her up, and she exchanged a worried look with her companion.

"Where...where are we?" She asked anxiously. 

"Isn't it obvious?" The boy said without looking at her. "They brought us to their clan, of course." When he uttered those words, the girl inched closer towards him so no one else heard them.

"The...Capricorn clan?" She whispered, her brown eyes round with worry.

He spared her a glance. "Yes. The Capricorn clan. You know what they're like."

She gulped, giving him a slight nod. "What's....going to happen to us?" 

"I don't know....just..." He advanced and placed his cuffed hands on hers. "Don't leave my side, okay?"

She nodded again, blinking back her tears. But their wish to stay together was left unfulfilled, when the back of the caravan was pried open, and a pair of bulky men grabbed the both of them. One took hold of the girl, while the other took hold of the boy. As they distanced from each other, they both locked eyes and didn't dare look away. 

They didn't kick, or scream. They didn't cry or whine. Under that polluted sky filled with smoke rising from tall, pointed buildings, the two conveyed a silent message to each other, one only they could understand, before they disappeared from each other's side forever.

Just one sentence was enough to bind their fates. With only their eyes, they said: "I will find you and save you, no matter what."

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