Doctors visit

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Nexus' POV.

The next week was my scan to determine the sex of our baby. Mitch and I sat in the waiting room, shattered from sleep deprivation, with my head rested on his shoulder. He described the setting of the room. As we were the only couple, he could speak properly. He started out with the bland and boring pale blue walls, the worn tile flooring, and the familiar smell of antiseptic. Then he went on the describe the decor, a small painting of a yacht in the center of the far wall with a row of chairs against said wall, posters against smoking and alcohol covered the walls on either end, and a small coffee table laid out with magazines dating from a couple of years ago stood prominently In the center of the room. The doctor, Holly, stood in the doorway, smiling, listened to the way Mitch described the room. Shortly after he'd finished she walked towards us,

"I've never heard anyone describe this room like that!" She said,

"Well, you can thank my teachers for that!" He joked.

Holly lead us into the small room with consisted of a bed, monitor and, a few shelves lined with various bottles.

"If you'd like to lay down here for me Mrs Hughes , and lift your shirt over your belly, that'd be great! And Mr Hughes you can take a seat down here thanks!" She stated. We both abided.

Holly coated my stomach in gel and began the scan, Mitch held my hand, we saw the image on the screen.

"Would you like to know the sex you'd your child?" She asked, pausing for a second.

We looked between ourselves before Mitch quickly answered,

"Yes, please."

Holly nodded and faced back to the monitor.

After about five minutes she turned back to us,

"It's a girl!"

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