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Lachlan's POV

I tugged gently at Mitch's sleeve to wake him up as he was going to Costa to meet Nexus' parents. Yet he wouldn't wake up. I called Nexus into the room because I knew that she could wake him up; she knew how. Nexus rushed in, and because Preston had gone out, gave him a kiss on the end of his nose, just like she always did when Preston wasn't in. Still, Mitch didn't wake up. Again, Nexus and I pulled at his sleeve, both waking him up and revealing a bundle of scars. Nexus ran from the room, leaving me with a grumpy, tired Mitch.

Only seconds later she returned,

"What are these?" She said whilst poking them tender heartedly, he looked at her with sorrow in his eyes, "Mitch I said what are these?" The anger exposing in her voice.

"I'm sorry Nexus...the hate just got to me..." He looked her in to her eyes,

"You should have told me," She said whilst rolling up her sleeve, "It got to me seeing you in pain like that..." Mitch promptly sat up and held her in his arms, smiles moved accross both of their faces.

Mitch's POV

After breaking away from our embrace, we got ready to get out to Costa. Lachlan let me borrow his car to drive us both there.

when we arrived, Nexus' parents were already waiting; along with Anastasia. I tugged at my short shirt sleeve to confirm that my scars weren't showing. We went in, placed our order and took our seats along with them.

"Mr Brindley, Mrs Brindley, Anastasia. How are you all?" I spoke, again, tugging at my sleeve,

"Mitchell I'm flattered, but you honestly don't need to call us that, we've known you for long enough now." Her father spoke up. "It's Lewis."

"Sorry." Nexus and Anastasia giggled at me, "I can tell you two are sisters, the resemblance is uncanny."

After at least thirty minutes passed of just us all talking, Nexus' parents agreed to us all going to the Perth fair. We walked down towards the peir as a clown was dunked into a pool of, somehow ice cold, water. Lewis and Naomi took Anastasia over to the cotton candy stand whilst I took Nexus over to a jewlery stand. The first thing picked out was a ring that was a wrap around silver shooting star with a pink gem in the middle.

"Would you like this?" I asked her, picking it up and examining it closer.

"Are you sure?"

"Positive!" I smirked

"Okay, thank-you." She kissed the end of my nose once again, she knew I liked it. I looked over to the person running the stand,

"How much do you want for this?"

"You can have it on the house! You're lucky to have such a beautiful young girl like Nexus. I knew her when she was younger."

"Good to see you again Don!" Nexus spoke.

"Thanks for this by the way, I owe you one!" I added,

"It's alright, have a good day!" Don packaged the ring in a small box, smiling as he did so.

"Thanks again!" I said whilst walking away.

Nexus' POV

We made it to a nearby wall over looking the sea, and sat down, our legs hanging over the edge over the crashing waves bellow, reminding me of my attempt of death, only a few weeks before.

"Uh, Nexus?" Mitch broke the silence. When I looked over to him, he had a sexy half smile plastered across his face.


"Come here." He held his arm open for me to lean into, so I did. "Hold your hand out," I did and he slid the ring onto my index finger.

"I Mitchell Hughes, hereby promise to love you, Nexus Brindley, forever and always."

"I Nexus Brindley, hereby promise to love you. Mitchell Hughes, forever and always." I examined the ring, "I love it! Thank-you." He kissed my forehead.

We stayed like this for a while, only moving once we saw a person that looked a lot like Preston.

"Is that Preston over there? I haven't seen him today." I asked,

"Looks like it, who is he with?" He was holding another girl, kissing her, groping her.

"No idea. Call him." I stated. Mitch instantly pulled out his phone, scrolled to Preston's number and called him. Putting it on speakerphone. Preston picked up his phone,

"Where are you?" Mitch asked.

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