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Nexus' POV

Jerome woke me up when a new doctor, Phil, walked in, telling us of Mitch's condition. He said we could go and see him. Jerome pulled out his phone and sent a quick text to everyone and took me to see Mitch.

When I saw him, he was still slightly red in the face, he had an oxygen supply going through the nubbins in his nose. And a blood pressure recorder on his arm. Phil left us.

"How you feeling?" Jerome asked. I sat on the side of his bed, allowing Mitch to hold my ringed hand, smoothing his fingers over my scars.

"Better. Phil said I had a heart attack just after you guys were moved away to the family waiting room. But he managed to stabilize me a few minutes later." I said looking into Jerome's eyes. "How's Preston been?"

"Dood you're the only person I know that asks about others before yourself. I haven't heard anything from Lachlan though." Jerome spoke again. Leaving the room as his phone began to ring. I looked at Mitch.

"You really scared me. yesterday. And Jerome, he went without his coffee. Lachlan nearly called the police on Preston."

"Hey but I'm alright now."

"Yeah now bu-" he cut me off by placing his hand under my chin,

"Head up princess, your tiara is falling." I looked up at him, causing a smile to spread across his face,

"You really do know how to treat a girl, untill to the point at which they fall for you." I giggled, leaned in and kissed the end of his nose.


Mitch's POV

After spending overnight in hospital I was allowed to go home. Lachlan made Preston stay with Palmer, which allowed Lachlan and Jerome to make their videos in peace, not having to worry about Preston. They did make a vlog eventually, explaining why I wasn't around in any of their videos, or why Preston wasn't either. Jerome explained the selfie I posted on Instagram and Twitter when I was in the hospital, and mentioned that I was alright, and why I was in hospital. well kind of. He didn't mention that it was Preston's fault.

My head throbbed, I went to bed, where Nexus was already sleeping. When I awoke once again, it was to the buzzing of my phone. I picked it up and read the message on my screen.

"You're pathetic Mitch, you might as well go kill yourself! You stupid dips**t."

I deleted it from my phone, but not my memory. Nexus stirred at me kissing the back of her neck, and playing with her hair. Her murmuring making me smile as I continued to kiss her. Her dimples appeared as her smile grew. She turned over and looked me in the eye. I kissed her like her lips were air, but I couldn't breathe, she made me forget my worries, about everything.

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