I Do (long)

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Nexus' POV

The move to Canada was rushed and hectic, but we got there eventually. Our wedding was due to take place the next week, giving us time to settle in. We worked together on unpacking the boxes. Carefully finding everything's home.

Mitch stared at me with a burning passion for me,

"Are you okay?" I spoke,

"Uh, yeah I'm fine. Why?" He said,

"Its just you look like you're about to burst into tears."

"Oh. It's nothing, I'm just worried about you." He looked down at his hands. "I never thought I'd get you, I thought you'd be marrying Preston. I was sure of it."

"If Preston really loved me, he would have shown me." I held his head up by his cheeks and ran my thumb across them. "But he didn't, not like you did." He kissed me,

"This is why I love you." He spoke between giving me love bites.

"Mitch!" I gasped, "May I remind you, that we're getting married next week!"

"Yes, but I love you. I wanted the world to know, and now they do. Soon you'll be my Nexus Hughes."

"And you'll be my Mitchell Hughes."


The next week, everyone had come over to Montreal for the wedding. Mitch had been carted off to his parents house whilst me and my bridesmaids got ready for the big day ahead. Anastasia was going to be one of my bridesmaids And Mitch's sisters (Marley and Kayleigh). Connor, Mitch's brother, was our ring boy.

My flowers arrived first thing in the morning, pink and cream coloured. My hair and make-up was finished by ten. My hair being curled and tied back as a half-and-half ponytail, bun combination, with a pink and yellow flower crown. But I didn't have much make-up on. We were dressed and out by eleven.

Taking me to the church was a black limousine with back out windows, ribbon was tied around the car and flailed in the wind as we rushed down the road. The ceremony was to take place in a church, surrounded by a park filled with lush smelling roses, poppies and daffodils.

My mum, bridesmaids and I entered in this order:

Mum, Marley, Anastasia, Kayleigh and myself. Marley and Kayleigh had a tight grip onto Anastasia's hand.

When we commenced our short but meaningful walk down the isle, I looked around at the white walls, covered by vibrant green ivy. Within the ivy's tangles, colour coordinated flowers were fixed. Jerome stood alongside Mitch as his best man. He Leaned over to Mitch, talking in his ear,

"Get ready bigums, this is it!"

Mitch turned we made perfect eye contact. Sparks flew, like the first time we kissed on the Perth pier. We made it to the end and my mum and bridesmaids broke off into their rows and sat, leaving me with the love of my life, making me break into a totally goofy smile. My vision blurred, leaving my focus on Mitch, and Mitch only.

"Are you ready?" The vicar asked, my looked over and smiled at him,

"Yep, fire away."

"Okay." He looked over at Mitch. "Well, the couple have written their own vows." Mitch looked up at me and took my hands in his own, into my eyes.

"I call you 'My Nexus' because you are my everything. You are my light, and you've shown me more love than I've ever known. I promise to hold your hand every night and to never let us lose our spark. Before I met you I never knew what it was like to dream and have it come true, but I do now." A tear rolled down my cheek and a contagious smile crossed my face, enhancing my deep dimples.

"I know I can trust you with everything I've got, you saved me from a mega breakdown. Friends come and friends go, but soon you'll find out who's really there for you. My passion for you burns brighter than a thousand suns. And I hope we can go through this adventure together."

The vicar had to look away to gather his bearings, whilst Connor came over carrying the rings, standing between us both.

"Do you, Nexus Brindley, promise to love, Mitchell Hughes, in sickness and in health?"

"I do." Without hesitation, he slid the ring over my finger. I examined it closely, silver, with diamond stars weaved in and out.

"And do you, Mitchell Hughes, promise to love, Nexus Brindley, in sickness and in health?"

"I do." I placed the other ring over his ring finger. The vicar closed his book, and looked up at the emotional crowd,

"I now declare Nexus and Mitch lawfully married!" He leaned into Mitch, "You may now kiss the bride..." Almost immediately smashed his lips against mine, accompanied by the cheers of the crowd. A shiver ran throughout my body, I could feel his smile, through his kiss.

After breaking away, Mitch and I walked slowly hand-in-hand out of the huge wooden doors, trailing the rest of the wedding party. We exited with confetti being thrown over us, and various photos being taken by the photographer.

After that, we traveled over to a huge hall that we'd hired for the afternoon reception. We entered, the lunch, snack food, and drinks were already set up. So we could all have fun and make speeches and share memories from our families.

After being silent for a while, Jerome stood clanging a spoon against a glass,

"I'm sorry. I can't hold this back to anymore." He took a break as a tear fell onto his shirt. "I've known Mitch my whole life. We've been through arguments. Too many to count. But as we progressed and started youtube, he started giving money to charity. When we began to get noticed by the youtube community, he still didn't let me slip away from under his fingertips. I've helped him through break-ups, and now I will be supporting him as he's getting married, and starting his own family. I love you so much bigums, please don't forget me." Mitch jumped from his seat, causing me to flinch back, and ran over to Jerome. Forcing his arms around Jerome. We could all hear what he whispered into his ear,

"I love you too, and I sure as hell will never forget you! Thank you so much for everything you've done." He took a break, "I owe you one." Mitch stepped back and winked at Jerome, smiling and wiping away his tears.


After five hours of a meal and everyone bonding, Mitch called me over to the dance floor to dance. He'd picked our song, 'You And I' by One Direction. He rested his hands on my waist, and head on my head, whilst I placed my arms loosely around his neck, and head on his chest. We stepped slowly in synchronization, until the song ended. Time froze. Mitch and I were left behind in some kind of complex time nexus (a-n yes, I know), where we stayed forever in to moment with everyone moving on and living normally.

Our song ended eventually. Time returned to normal. We clasped each other's hands, waving everyone off individually, posing for photos every now and then.

My parents and Anastasia were the last to leave, giving us a big sloppy hug, wishing us well. And helping us load the car.

Mitch drove us home holding hands. Talking about how good the day was, how lovely everyone looked, and how beautiful I looked. I told him that Jerome's speech was the best thing at the reception.

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