Chapter Two: In Touch pt 1/Go

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I'm not huge makeup wearer but this is a day it must be used. There's cover up on my neck because Tay decided to cover mine with hickeys(which I know she did cause wanted everyone to see). I was handcuffed and couldn't get her to stop. I also have the largest most noticeable bags under my eyes so there's cover up there too. she kept me up to around 3...I have to get up at 5:30.

She was like energizer bunny. Don't know where it came from but I'm not complaining. I'm just explaining. We rarely get nights like that, but we kinda just said fuck it. And I'm currently reaping the consequences of those many many many actions. Many. Just saying. But I wouldn't change a thing not one.

But anyways, let's just leave it at I'm in a even happier mood than the one I'm usually in and honestly that's hard to top. So the grumpy faces and slight attitudes don't affect me at all. I start my first class of the day, African American studies, same as usual.

It doesn't hurt that today we are discussing Black Hollywood, historical and current. We'll talk about its significance in all of American culture. What can I say a good classic movie like Claudine or a good Lupita Nyong'o movie can make my day.

I pose a question to the class. "I would like to know if any of you have heard of the Chitlin' Circuit? I see some nods and a few hands. "Good, well that's where I wanna start off today.", I tell the students.

I point towards one of the students that raised her hand, a white girl no older than her mid twenties. I ask in a laid back way, "So what was it?" I a shrug of my shoulders as if I'm clueless. I can tell she wasn't expecting me to call on her. "Umm", she says before clearing her throat.

I try to provide a comforting smile. I picked her for a reason. I picked her specifically because she is white. I don't know how comfortable she feels in a room full of black people or how comfortable they feel with her here either. But whatever. Now even though it's not my job to make everyone feel comfortable.

I personally am not gonna take the chance that she or any of my other students feel weird. If they do then I'll feel weird too. Everyone is welcome here and I want them all to feel that way too It has been a day full of awkwardness between everyone.

So I'm nipping this shit in the bud. She goes on and explains, "The Chitlin circuit was made up of different places that black...I mean African American...I mean black..." I hear some chuckles so I hold up my hand and interrupt everyone. I smile and say,"Either is fine."

She smiles back and then continues "...singers and dancers could perform and feel safe. Basically feel at home.", she adds. "So basically a place where everyone could feel comfortable?", I question. I then glance around the room. Everyone seems to get my implication. Racial tensions are so high right now, I basically do this every semester, now.

But back to class. "Do any of you know the time frame the circuit's peak?" My question falls flat this time. So I just answer my own question. "It's arguable but most say the 1930's right before the time of the Great Depression." I continue on.

"Many many many well known stars went through there some way some how; Duke Ellington, James Brown, Aretha Franklin the Jackson 5, Jimi Hendrix and many many more. But there's one of those stars I wanna zone in on. Dorothy Dandridge." I know obvious choice.

"Can I assume most you don't know who she is and just explain about her?", I more so tell them that than pose a question. "Ok basic biography: Dorothy Dandridge was born on November 9th in 1922 in Cleveland, Ohio. Her parents were Cyril and Ruby Dandridge. Her father was a Cabinet maker slash baptist minister(sound familiar) and her mother an aspiring entertainer in her own right.", I say giving them some background.

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