Chapter Eleven: Ms. Carter/Make me Feel

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                           Lea POV

I wake up annoyed to the sound of a strange noire alert going off repeatedly. I look around as I realize its actually a phone, but I know its definitely not mine. I look at the clock and become even more annoyed, its only 4:25. I then see movement next to me. I look down and see a naked Shany turn over and say, "Fuck." She's obviously now just as annoyed as me.

As I see the moonlight glimmer off her left nipple ring, I remember how that nipple had just been in my mouth just a few hours earlier. I also remember coming home and having quite a few shots of tequila with her. I wasn't just gonna sit and drink alone. I was too nervous so I really needed the drinks. Hey maybe we over did it, but this was my first official hookup.

Earlier Shany also lit a blunt for us and we sat and talked. She made sure to explain her weird behavior from earlier. She said it was to try and make me jealous, because she did/does want me. But she just only wants to have sex with me for now. "I'm honest AND openly selfish.", she admitted with a smile. "I saw the way you 2 looked at each other.", she added. So she was jealous. That strangely makes me want her even more than I already do. Jealousy should be a turn off, right?

She also tried to read me again by saying, "You're selfish, too but you just haven't come to admit it." she had a slight slur and for me she seemed a little blurry. "Why am I selfish?", I asked, highly confused. She went on to explain her thoughts.

Apparently I go for and do what I want regardless of how it may affect other people. In her words, "From what I heard yuh husband was a bumbohole, right?" I squint my eyes in confusion. "A bad person, right?" She saw the confusion in my face. "But yuh didn't leave him yuh just become as they say here...a ho, with Tay.", she adds. Not what happened but I let her continue.

"But that isn't the most selfish thing yuh done. I stopped her. "I know Justin .", I say. She was obviously drunk but I saw where she was going. "No.", she says. "But he is a part of it.", she made sure to add. "No you wouldn't let Tay go when you realized you weren't meant to be with her. You obviously realized that years ago and that's where Justin comes in."

I wanted to be mad. I wanted to tell she was wrong, but she was right in a sense. I wasn't ready for a relationship (especially not a long term one) when I cheated. I thought I was settled for years but I never resolved any of my past issues so I wasn't settling down I was simply settling. Not with Tay specifically, but with anyone period.

Shany and I mostly talked and even through a drunken state she gave me more clarity than I've ever had. It was wrong to wanna keep Tay and it was stupid to not just be alone for awhile. After Steven I should learned about myself, by myself and not try to start up in another relationship.

Currently Shany grabs her phone and looks at it. She then throws it to side and rolls me on my back. She hovers me for sec. "Ms Carter, it's been fun but mi cuzzo is going crazy. So I should probably go." She then kisses me softly and smiles. She gets up and begins searching for her clothing. As she puts on her underwear she says. "I hope we can do this again soon."

So I smile back. "When are you thinking?", I ask. Hell she was good and she hit the spot literally and figuratively. I needed to get off. To try to clear my mind off Tay and everything else. Plus I loved just talking to her. She looks at me and bites her lip. "I'll definitely call you." Damn, I think. I already want more of her right now. You would think 3 orgasms would be enough to last me through the day but I guess not.

She bends down and kisses my nose. "Don't worry I'm free tonight.", she says and gives me a sexy smirk. "I'll let myself out.", she says. As she's half down the stairs she yells, "By the way ya licky licky and pumpum is fire." She then cracks up. She also yells up, "Byeeee."

Transitions (sequel to A Sinner's Bible) (complete) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now