Six - Feeling Stuck Here

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My fingers tapped along my desk as Jenna hummed to a song I didn't recognize beside me. I had always hated this class and the constant ticking of the clocking reminding me this class couldn't possibly last an eternity like it currently felt like. 

We were supposed to be doing the outline we had been assigned last week over the chapter on whatever it was that we were learning. Anytime Dr. Ryan began to explain something, Jenna would crack a joke or tell me a story and I would honestly much rather listen to Jenna's mumbled ramblings rather than the ramblings of a monotone teacher who taught a subject I couldn't careless about. This was probably the reason I was failing this class.

I felt someone tap my shoulder, causing me to turn to face Jenna who sat beside me. 

"Can you come over to my house today?" She mouthed, trying to make as little noise as humanly possible while still getting her question across. Anything more than the occasional cough or tapped foot could cause extra homework and the entire class hating you for the rest of your high school life. I had, of course, learned this the hard way.

I still didn't know how to respond to Jenna's question though. I had a hot date with some Kraft mac n' cheese and my couch. I had never been invited to a friend's house though and even I did go I wouldn't even know the proper etiquette for certain situations. What if I spill something? While I would feel bad for ruining something that could have possibly costed a lot, I still hate cleaning anything. This was the reason I often kept favors my siblings owed me for the times I made a mess somewhere in the house and could laugh while someone else cleaned it up for me.

Even with all of this in mind, I still nodded at her. I was actually almost excited for this, yet nervous at the same time. I had grown used to Jenna spontaneously inviting me to things, but what I had not grown used to was denying them with any phony excuse I could come up with. As much as she got on my nerves sometimes, it still seemed impossible to say no to her.

Jenna smiled and nodded at me before continuing to hum the Jimmy Eat World tune she had been singing to herself earlier and turned her attention back to the actual work in front of her. I'l just have to copy off of her later.


Once the final bell rang to dismiss us, my heart fluttered a little at the idea of going to Jenna's house and seeing the place she lives.

I had been picturing extravagant houses with winding staircases and balconies and large white pillars outside the front door, but when I came back down to the reality of where we lived, I remembered it was unlikely she actually lived in a place like that. I know she had moved from Australia because of her dad's job, but I can't just assume she lives like some queen, especially with the part of town we both live in. I couldn't even imagine how often a house like that would get robbed.

Jenna quickly found me as she raced through the crowd of people to catch up with me, most of the kids surrounding both of us, turning to glare. I had grown used to the irritated glares of the other kids, but Jenna just seemed as if she didn't even see them. I admire her having this trait.

"Ready?" She asked happily, looping her arm through mine as she began to sprint down the hallway, not even giving me the chance to actually respond to her. I do not admire her for having this trait. This was mostly due to me not being ready to go and discover the place Jenna went to every day after she happily waved goodbye to me, only to text me no less than a minute later. I also had to pee and this was yet another thing I both not comfortable with doing at someone else's house and didn't even know how to bring up the subject to her.

Instead of stopping her and saying something, I just nodded happily along and followed her out of the school and down the beaten sidewalks. I had no idea where we were going to have to go to get to her house, but seeing as she always manages to arrive before me to school, I assumed we were going to have to be riding the dreaded bus.

My assumption was only proven correct when she stopped at a bench filled with advertisements of cigarettes and retailers. A small old lady with a pink scarf and smoking sat there. Jenna smiled down at the lady when she looked up at the two of us, but soon turned back to the seemingly uninteresting buildings in front of us. 

I was honestly dreading riding the bus. I had never found the idea of sitting in gum and being snuggled up next to a stranger very appealing. If anything, I would have just preferred us walking, but I must have looked as calm as I didn't feel because when the large blue and white bus arrived, Jenna grabbed my hand and led me onto the bus with her, my heart pounding.


I'm really sorry for the short chapter and not updating, but Clash of Clans was just calling my name. Hopeful update in the (very) near future.

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