[ 002 ] red star worthy

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    BEING FEARED had taken Kaelyn a while to adjust to. Even when she had been young and unsure, and the reputation had been thrust upon her, it had taken time to get used to the looks thrown at her, the people that moved out of her way at a simple glance, that it only took one display of indigo and someone was trembling at her feet with anything she could ever want on their tongue. She had always had power, but suddenly commanding power on top of that had been unfamiliar.

    It had given her a rotten attitude she had carried for decades, the reputation spreading, the WANTED posters in the Enchanted Forest popping up everywhere like weeds. But no one dared to cross her path or attempt to bring her in. Men far stronger had tried, and Kaelyn had never shown any restraint in living up to her reputation when it became needed.

    Fear didn't translate the same to Storybrooke. The mundane lifestyle had pushed the most unlikely people together and forced them to be amicable. Hell, people accepted the Evil Queen, who was responsible for everything in the first place. Mr Gold, who had manipulated eight out of ten people in any given room, was almost as disliked. People looked at Kaelyn still as a bomb waiting to go off, as a very real threat, but there was an air of calm.

    If Kaelyn started something, then what? Running over the line could mean death. There was nowhere to go. No way to get back to the Enchanted Forest where she could disappear like she had back in the day. It kept the balance in places like the Diner or the library, where people that once would have called for her arrest allowed her to cross the street with a wide berth.

    But Tamara didn't know that. Cruel, maybe, but when Kaelyn was caught during an opening shift and the breakfast rush, no one was safe from her. Kaelyn resisted the urge to be worse than she usually was as she approached Tamara that morning, holding her order in a paper bag.

    "Here you go," Kaelyn chirped, sweetly, handing Tamara the order.

    "No mayo, right?" Tamara asked, taking the bag from Kaelyn's hand, the girl noting how she pulled away extremely quickly, as if she was afraid Kaelyn would burn her.

    "That's right. Least you know that much about Neal," Kaelyn said, slyly. Tamara appeared unsure how to respond, as she looked across the counter at the girl who looked like she belonged in college but carried the weight of centuries on her shoulders.

    Neal's fiancée made the call to not respond, and turned around, colliding head-on with Emma. Kaelyn just rolled her eyes and pulled away from the counter, heading to the back of the diner to collect the drinks for a table she was tending.

    "Here you go," Kaelyn repeated her waitress phrase as she balanced the glasses on her tray. She placed a coffee in front of a young-looking man she'd never learnt the name of, and then gave a glass of orange juice to an older man– again that Kaelyn didn't know the name of. She had just pressed the tray against her side, when the older man spoke up.

✓ IF THE MOON SMILED, peter pan / ouatWhere stories live. Discover now