[ 010 ] stay dead

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    TIME, AS ALWAYS, was not linear in Neverland. Peter's hold on the place had even begun to affect Kaelyn, who started to feel time blur past in the way it only did on Neverland. It was how her and the Lost Boys had passed their days so quickly without a care in the world back in the old days. What seemed like a day on Neverland felt like weeks, and Kaelyn had no real grip on the reality outside the island. She had no idea how long she'd been here with Henry, just that it was definitely too long.

The boys had begun to party around the bonfire, whooping and chirruping as they spun dangerously close to the fire. Some played and tapped away at their own instruments, and Kaelyn hated the old reflex in her that made her want to jump up and join them. Instead, she was sat with Henry on a log, pressed up against him. He'd been quiet after the incident with Peter, but then again, so was Kaelyn. She'd healed the wound on her head with ease and cleaned the blood.

Kaelyn was also not blind the way Peter was watching Henry, that look of conquest that meant he wasn't going to stop until he got what he wanted. The immortal teenager didn't quite know what that was yet, just that it had a lot to do with the kid she babysat and had come to care for. Kaelyn moved closer to Henry as Peter got to his feet and made his way towards them.

"You don't want to join in the celebration?" he asked, standing above the pair. Henry looked up.

"Nothing to celebrate," he told Peter, as the immortal boy sat down opposite them.

"Nothing to celebrate?" Peter scoffed. "Henry, this whole party is to celebrate you."

"Why him?" Kaelyn piped up. Peter met her eyes, now in the understanding that he was only able to talk to Henry because she let him.

"Oh. You're still here," the blonde boy said, dryly. Kaelyn sneered. Peter refocused on Henry. "Because you've come to save magic, of course." Kaelyn tried to think what on earth that could've meant, as she knew Peter wasn't about to reveal his whole plan in detail with her there. Instead, he removed something from his pocket. "And I, for one, can't think of a reason more deserving of celebration than that. Just look at them." Peter gestured to the boisterous Lost Boys and their party, Henry glancing at them.

"I'm not like them," he said, firmly, turning back to Peter. "Or you."

"Sure you are," Peter insisted. "You're still a boy," he added, lightly. Henry didn't seem convinced, and Kaelyn watched as he held up a set of pipes between his thin fingers. "Maybe a song will get you on your feet."

Kaelyn wasn't even aware she could move that fast, as she lunged forward from where she was sitting and lashed the pipes out of Peter's hands. Peter's eyes widened slightly, and Kaelyn's were gleaming.

"Don't," she hissed. Henry looked between the two rapidly, as he always did during their tense interactions, likely trying to piece together their relationship. It was nothing like his book of stories.

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