[ 019 ] dreamshade

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    KAELYN'S EYES FLICKERED open to the sun streaming through the thin blinds of the treehouse. She could feel Peter pressed against her, head tucked into her shoulder and an arm binding him to her. She smiled lightly, enjoying the moment, listening to the waves lull outside, and the morning chatter of the boys in the camp, such a mundane setting she had lovingly gotten used to.

    As she tried to pull away, Peter murmured and pulled her back. Kaelyn let out a content sigh, knowing she didn't need to move, but soon the boys would begin to complain. Peter knew this, too, but she supposed their morning peace was just as nice for him as it was for her.

    Perhaps the biggest change since she had created Neverland was calling Malcolm 'Peter.' And not just Peter, but Peter Pan, after the doll he had gifted Rumple all those years ago. They had found it lying on the beach amongst his belongings after Kaelyn had sent him away, and Malcolm had hung onto the doll as an odd sort of sentiment. He had claimed that Neverland was a fresh start, and he liked the name Peter Pan.

    Kaelyn had rejected changing her name for any sort of reason. She had never had a last name, and Carroway was so far away from her, but she had no reason like Malcolm to rebrand herself. The change had taken some getting used to, and in her mind she knew a part of Peter would always be Malcolm to her. But that was decades away.

    Time stood still on Neverland, thanks to Kaelyn's imbued magic. No one aged, the days and nights varied in length, and a week on Neverland could feel like years. Because of this, many, many years had passed since they had last seen Rumple and arrived on the mystical island. Their only sense of time was when Kaelyn and Peter paid visits to their homeworld.

    They did this to retrieve lost children who needed their help, as Kaelyn and Peter both wanted for the island. It became home to many orphans, abused boys and those who simply needed a new home. They had quickly fashioned a flute that played a song only those who desired to get away could here, to avoid any sort of ethical complications. Most children were on the younger side, but a few were later teens, and acted as leaders when Kaelyn and Peter weren't around. After years of providing sanctuary to boys who never grew up, Kaelyn had become like their mother, and her control of the island only helped nurse that image.

    Her magic was celebrated, loved, and provided a home for kids like her and Peter, who never had to worry about anything. It was beautiful. Kaelyn and Peter left through the path carved through the second star to the right, and she had created an ocean pathway for mermaids to pass through and find sanctuary and rest also. She had flowered trees and fruit, brought over animals to thrive and provide food, everything. Nothing happened on the island without her feeling its presence.

    As Kaelyn finally pulled herself from Peter's grasp, he mumbled something akin to 'you're rude.' She smiled down at his sleeping face, more relaxed than she had ever seen in her life. All those years she knew him on the streets, he had never had life and energy like he did these days. And she supposed she was the same, but it made him look all the more beautiful in her eyes, and knowing she had helped make that made her heart warm.

✓ IF THE MOON SMILED, peter pan / ouatWhere stories live. Discover now