What Are You

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Nocturnal Animals
Chapter Seven
What Are You


My heart nearly erupted from beneath my ribcage. Whatever was going on with those cells, had nothing to do with a human life form. My suspicions were confirmed- and all though I wasn't too sure how I felt about my truly insane conspiracies being real, at least I knew that I wasn't crazy.

But even now that I had proof, the truth about what Kenai officially was, hadn't come to light yet. Yes, his cells were strange colors, and bopping all over the place, but what creature had cells in common?

My curiosity urged me to find out.

So, I took off for the library- my heart still racing at an impeccable pace. The whole ride I couldn't help but question how the hell something like this was actually possible. Inhumane life forms? That can act, breathe, and look normal? The only time you see this, is in movies- but we weren't in a movie. This life is not being shown on a big screen!

Was I dreaming? Could all of this just be an illusion because of the strange events that have occurred lately? Honestly, I hope so. The last thing I want to uncover is more things like him- running around underneath the noses of the people of Raven's Wood.

And what if his family knows, and are behind him- or worse, the same as him? Is that why Leo, Kenneally's dad, was threatening me due to my interest in Wyandot, and the connections between the attacks? Or maybe all three of them are the one's responsible!

"Stop, Seneca!" I yelled out in my car, taking a deep breath and then running my hands through my hair and all over my face. I had just pulled into a parking spot behind the library, but my fear, shock, and rapid beating heart failed to demise.

I stared at the car door handle, pondering whether or not to get out of this car, and find out what those cells belong too. But I had too, because if it were something bad- something dangerous- I had to find a way to stop it. Preferably, before anyone else got hurt.

The decision was still so hard, and I had a feeling it was because of the past Kenai and I had. If he hadn't been so close to me in our childhood, I would have no problem busting the guy. But Kenai was everything to me, and finding out the real truth about him may just kill me- all over again. I hurt when he left me once before, but this final blow could remove him from my life for good. There may be no chance for us to reconcile.

My wondrous thoughts gave me a pounding headache. I knew by thinking this way, I was only making things worse for me. Before I got too ahead of myself, I should just find out what his cells mean. What if it's just some kind of disease? Yea, a disease! Gross, but more of a relief for sure.

I opened the car door after taking a few more deep breaths, and headed straight into the library. As I walked in, the same, repulsive librarian eyed me through her spectacles- but I was so worked up, that I payed no mind to her.

Choosing the farthest computer from her, I sat down and began typing away. 'Brown, Yellow, and Orange cells moving around uncontrollably' I typed in, clicking search as my heart froze for a moment.

Just my luck, the computer's service was abnormally slow today. It felt like I was waiting an eternity for the truth to come out. As the blue bar at the top got closer and closer to the other side, my heartbeat increased until finally, the results came through.

I stared in utter shock as the screen gave back several articles, pictures, and online books about wolves.

And the suddenly, everything clicked. The animal attacks, Kenai's Native American appearance, his warnings about 'dangerous things', his talks about what I didn't know about him, his true name meaning, the scary eye color, the amazing hearing, the strength, the speed, the body- the fangs! It all shared common patterns with one- single- animal. A wolf.

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