Talking It Out

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Nocturnal Animals
Chapter Three
Talking It Out


Sprout was thriving on this Monday afternoon. Nearly half the school had come out, ready to learn more about each other as the new semester rolled in. The usual groups had changed, and the topics were ever so different. A lot of changes have seemed to be made lately. It's like a new wind has started to blow through Raven's Wood. 

I sat at the coffee shops bar, continuing to read the book I was reading earlier. I was still determined to figure out what was up with the recent deaths that have occurred. 

Sven had her apron on once again, serving the customers to the best of her ability- although, she clearly didn't want to be here- and you could tell by the sour expression that was temporarily stuck on her face. 

Mason had agreed to come out, as well- even after his little episode from earlier this morning. The best thing about him was how he tended to get over things pretty easily. 

Sven approached me from behind the bar, "Find anything interesting?" 

I gave her a small shrug, for my luck hasn't exactly been the best. I closed the book in my hand, and placed it down on the counter, "I just don't know what animal could have done all those things. None have brains big enough to even comprehend how to do them."

Sven looked unfazed by what I had said- just as I had expected. I already knew she didn't care about the subject like I did. Neither did Mason, who at the time was busy staring at Talia anyways. He's been obsessed with the self-conceited beauty queen ever since we first started hanging out freshman year.  

"I mean, I wouldn't know of any animals that vicious," she explained, continuing to scrub the countertop beside me, "Maybe it's a rare kind that somehow landed itself in our woods."

I opened my mouth to respond, but was interrupted by the small jingling of the coffee shop's door. When I turned to see who had walked in, there Kenai was, staring directly back at me- the same similar looking male planted beside him. 

Seeing him again brought me back to our conversation earlier. Not much light was shed, and I still felt like I was in the dark about everything- but I still trust him with my life, so I have to listen to him when he refuses to share what my curiosity wants to know.

I gave Kenai a small smile, hoping he would do the same. He did smile back, only, my heart didn't feel as warm as I had wanted it to feel. Something about his smile made me feel sad, and- guilty. 

But what was there to feel guilty about? Sebastian? I know the two of us despised him for being an ass back then, but Bash wasn't the same person he was back in middle school. He somehow changed between the summer of eighth grade and freshman year. 

We ended up having most of our classes together, and when I expected him to tease me like he always did, Bash surprised me by doing quite the opposite. He was actually kind, and somewhat sweet. He made me an offer I couldn't refuse at the time, and so when he asked me out in the tenth grade, I said yes. We've been together ever since. 

Kenai and his friend chose a table towards the middle of the shop, Kenai making sure to grab the seat that allowed him to keep his back towards me. Was he honestly mad that I was with Sebastian? It's not even his business, anyways. He left, remember?

"Who's his friend?" Sven asked, leaning down on the counter to stare in the boys' direction. 

"Beats me," I sighed, "I don't think he's ever gone here till now."

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