Face to Face

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Nocturnal Animals
Chapter Two
Face to Face


While the rain managed to clear up, the cloudy skies did not. I sat facing the set of large windows that outlined the cafeteria, looking to the outside dining area that used to be packed with students. Since the sun no longer shines, we no longer sit out there. 

Sven was sitting directly next to me, the two of us facing a good friend of ours- Mason Jax. While they bickered over which junior was going to become the school's next queen bee, I kept my nose buried in a book- only, I wasn't exactly reading it. My eyes stayed put just above the book cover, focusing straight on Kenai and his friends. 

Just like at the coffee shop yesterday, his table was abnormally crowded. He even managed to have Talia Lewis hanging off of his left arm already- it usually takes a week for that. 

But Kenai had only been back for a day, so his walk on popularity was sort of suspicious. I know for a fact that none of the people he was sitting with gave a damn about him before he left. Although, there was one unfamiliar face I couldn't speak for. He was a fresh face- with wavy black hair that went all the way down to his waist. 

He had a lot of similarities to Kenai, however.  Similarities that were quite rare to this part of Minnesota. Ever since Kenai was a little boy, he would be teased for his Native American descent. This caused him to have his extremely tan skin, and dark hair. 

The unfamiliar boy sitting on the other side of him resembled much of Kenai's Native American features. Maybe they know each other- cousins, or somehow related. 

The group of kids surrounding him must be wrapped up in Kenai's newfound beauty. He was never a looker- until now. Part of me still doesn't know how such a transformation happened- he's barely recognizable now. But then again, was it even my business anymore? 

The question 'Are we even friends anymore?' keeps running through my mind. 

"What're you reading?" Mason asked, ripping the book from my hands and blowing my cover. 

My shoulders slumped in disappointment. I wasn't ready to stop staring just yet- but after what happened yesterday, I couldn't afford everyone to notice me like that again. I had already been bombarded with several questions about what happened yesterday. 

"Just some book I checked out from the library- can I have it back?" I reached for the book, but Mason quickly swung it out of reach.

I watched with aggravation as he flipped through the pages, "Seriously? More animal death shit?" 

My mouth dropped, "That 'animal death shit' happens to be very interesting!"

"To freaks." He added, tossing the book down in front of me. 

I rolled my eyes, reminding myself that nobody understood my fascination with animal science. Well, nobody except for one person- who happens to be ruining my day! 

I set my book back up the way I had it before, narrowing my eyes back on Kenai as he laughed with a whole swarm of people, pretending like everything in the world was perfect!

It's not! Nothing about this world is perfect! Especially when you're stuck in Raven's Wood with a bunch of ignorant and inconsiderate teenagers!

Sven gave me a questionable look before turning around and figuring out exactly what I was staring at. 

She let out an annoyed huff, "Oh, will you just go talk to him? He has a lot to say to you, too."

I scoffed, "Did you seriously talk to him yesterday?"

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