Astonishing Rage

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Nocturnal Animals
Chapter Six
Astonishing Rage


"I think it was a threat." I blurted out, Sven moving her attention from the lab before us to me.

She scrunched her nose, "Why would Kenai's dad be threatening you?" 

"I don't know- maybe for digging too much?" I massaged my temples out of frustration, "I think he's hiding something about the animal attacks- and I bet it's easy for him when he's in charge of the investigations."

Sven shook her head, "You're totally overthinking this."

"Just hear me out." I pleaded, "-And do it with an open mind."

"Our main priority should be finishing this lab before the bell rings." Sven held up the two glass slabs we were supposed to use in order to view our DNA cells. 

I quickly grabbed them, and placed them back down on the table, "We did this lab in Biology sophomore year- I remember all the answers."

She rolled her eyes, pulling her test goggles off and giving me her undivided attention, "Carry on."

I ignored her sarcastic attitude, and spoke what I knew, "A few days after the Dobson's left Raven's Wood, an article was released from Wyandot- where they went- describing the first ever abnormal animal attack. For all five of the years the Dobson's were there, the attacks kept happening. But the attacks migrated down here- right when the Dobson's show up again."

"So?" Sven didn't seem phased at all, "It's like he said- he's in charge of the investigation. It only makes sense that he move around with the issue."

"But they left before the attacks ever happened." Sven scrunched her nose again, signaling she was genuinely beginning to think about this, "They moved to Wyandot, and then the attack's began to start. They come back here, and the attacks begin in Raven's Wood."

Sven let out a big sigh, "So, what are you saying? Kenai's dad is the one killing everybody?"

"Well, no- that couldn't be possible. He would have to be some kind of animal." I explained, resting my chin on my hand. Going back to all of my research, only a pair of large, sharp fangs could have torn through someone's throat that way. 

"Maybe he's a werewolf." Sven joked, a sarcastic laugh shortly following. 

I rolled my eyes, "There's no such thing as werewolves." 

"Just like how there's no such thing of what craziness you rave about!" She exclaimed, "You need to get these thoughts out of your head, Sen- you're beginning to scare me. Kenai's dad isn't threatening you, because there's nothing for him to fear you finding out."

"Sven- you weren't there last night!" I scoffed, "When my father asked why they left, the couple couldn't even say the right answers! And on top of that, Kenai went on about how there's "dangerous things" I don't know about."

Sven closed her eyes while she shook her head, "No- I won't hear it."

"I'm serious, Sven! You have to believe me on this." I cried, "Something isn't right about that family any more-"

"Seneca! Enough!" She snapped, slamming her hand down on the lab table. A few curious heads turned around to glare at us, "This is someone you've grown up with. That family has been around as long as you have. How could you speak out about them? All this crazy shit is in your head- and it's because of those damn science books your always sticking your nose in."

I sat there shocked, blinking a thousand times to see if this was a dream or if Sven was really going off on me right now. I've never seen her so mad before- and I didn't understand why she was mad. It's not like I was speaking out against her! She barley even knew the Dobson's, anyways. What was her deal?

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