Beyond Being Numb

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I paddle faster and crash into the ladder in attempts to safely get on board. I grip onto the ladder and feel Alex hoist me out of the ocean urgently onto the boat. The pain that ripples through my body next had my memory fade into a dark abyss.

Alex's POV

I see the fin sprint through the water straight for Jack. My heart is crashing and beating my chest out as I cry out to him to hurry. I see his head peak out of the water to look at me, his body crashing into the ladder. I quickly grab onto his arms and pull him up.

"Alex!" Jack cries out in a blood curdling scream. I tug him harder towards me, the sharks jaw clamped on a piece of him.

"Jack, Jack. No. no!" I start crying out with Jack, my legs trying to give out as I weaken from the emotion. The team on the boat rush to my side, pulling him up and away from the animal. They grab his body and carry it towards the front as the boat speeds off. People on board are gasping or weeping, but they can not feel what I am now. I look at the water as the waves splash around us, bubbles rising from the boats propellers underneath. The water is tainted in red and as I look at the boat and my hands, so are they.

I run towards the front, my mind and body numb from the scene. Everything seems slower and I cannot get to Jack's side fast enough. I cry, my lungs collapsing from air but I am too in pain to stop screaming. The men on the boat try to calm me, and as we make it to shore they have to keep me on their arms as they take Jack onto the vehicle. I come along, my eyes stuck on Jack as he lays limp in the seat. I twist myself and hug tight to him, though those tending to his wounds try to push me away. Nothing can keep me from Jack. He's mine. He's my savior.

Once at the resort there is already a helicopter landed to take us to the nearest hospital. I cling onto Jack or those closest to him as I am dragged through this moment. The moment that I had caused upon Jack. I told him that I would protect him, but here he is stretched out on a gurney in the back of a helicopter, bleeding from a shark attack. My hands are shaking as I reach to hold his cold hands. I dare looking toward the damage done on his body. The trembling of my own had the medics place a blanket over my shoulders, but it did not help. I trail my eyes along Jack's resting face. His hair ruffled in every direction. I look at his chest, just barely rising and falling as the skin seems more pale. Finally my eyes draw towards the wound. I do not think my screams could have grew louder in that moment. I do not think that I have ever felt such misery and self hatred as I did now. While Jack's right foot was flawless, I could not say for his left because it was gone. They had already tried bandaging it up, the flesh of his calf also torn, but I knew.

- - -

When we arrive at the hospital I was the first to get out so I could make sure I keep up with them. We all begin to rush through the emergency room and they push through several double doors as doctors and nurses rush up to us. The words are muffled as I focus on Jack. I try to avoid looking at his foot, but when I do the tears only pour faster. Suddenly a doctor grabs my shoulder, holding me back from the group as they enter the last set of double doors. I look at her, screaming.

"I need to get in there, I need to be with Jack. I'm with Jack. I need to be in there." The look in her eyes told me she felt bad, but she shook her head and continues to push me towards the waiting room.

"I'm sorry, but only the staff can be with Jack right now. He's in critical condition losing a lot of blood. We need you to wait for him out here." She motions me towards the mostly empty waiting room filled with magazines, newspapers, and a few TVs. I look at her, desperate to see Jack again. "When he is in his room, we will escort you to it. For now, please stay here so we can help him." With those last words I attempt to relax, knowing they cannot help Jack if I am fighting them. I nod slowly as she turns to walk back through the door into the emergency area. I look at the receptionist, my eyes blood red and my mind still torn. She looks at me with a saddened look, motioning towards the couch near the left to relax in. I smile, but not with my eyes, before going and sitting on the plush couch facing a TV.

Waiting for hours made each only hurt worse as they pass. I watch the clock and the mouthing of words from the shows appearing on the TV. I sat alone, still dressed for swimming, and with Jack's blood on me. The room was cold, the couch around me intensifying it when I change positions. I was uncomfortable. I was uncomfortable with not being with Jack.

"Sir?" I hear a small voice speak. I turn bitterly towards it, only wanting to hear Jack again. I look at the nurse as he waves for me to follow. Mindlessly I do and we walk towards an elevator. He presses the button to go up, but I feel like I am only to stay down. As the doors squeak open, I step in and watch as he pushes for the 10th floor.

"Mr. Barakat is waiting in his room for you. The couch in the room folds into a bed, blankets and pillows in the closet beside it, and I will bring you clothing and toiletries once you get settled." I only nod along as he takes me towards the room after the elevator dings and opens the door. The colors blur around me and I feel his hand on my shoulder for comfort. Jack is my comfort. If only he could look at me the same after this.

Jack's POV

Crying rings through my ears and I peel my eyes open to see a blurry figure slowly come into view. The pain in my head and body only spiking at the sound. The crying turns to whimpers as Alex drops down beside me, clinging to my side as his body begins to shake. I breathe out slowly, reaching carefully to stroke his hair in attempts to let him know I am okay. He starts to kiss me all over my face and arms, the nurse trying to warn him to be careful. I am not sure why I am here to begin with, but by Alex's face and reaction I do not feel it was good. The nurse leaves after another warning, but I only smile at Alex. I reach towards his face weakly and stroke my thumb against it. He lays his hand on my thigh, my legs covered up in a warm blanket. He forces a smile, looking down towards my feet before looking at me again even more pained.

"I'm so sorry, Jack. I'm so sorry I did this." I look at him questionably and he hugs me tight. I lightly rub his back as he weeps into my neck. I begin to cry at his constant tears even though I still do not understand why he is so upset. I do not want my Alex to hurt like this.

"Sorry for what, Alex?" I croak out, my throat dry. The pain throughout my body begins to numb as the nurse injects my IV, but I feel different beyond being numb.

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