Chapter Twenty Nine

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After confronting Julia about her visit with Miss Lynn, she explained that she was her mother. Julia was emotional about it, because her father was the one who left Miss Lynn heartbroken by divorcing her for another younger woman after Julia died. I asked if she somehow felt conflicted for being the therapist of her daughter's murderer's daughter. She said Miss Lynn never felt a piece of hatred for my mother, and she never looked back on those who hurt her.

I was sitting in my room, staring at the ceiling.

It's still a lot to take in.

Fresh memories just taking over is almost a little frightening.

I sighed, sitting up a little. My hands gripped the sheets as I remembered Julia telling me not to worry about her emotional break down. She said she just felt like talking to Miss Lynn, but couldn't control herself when she forgot she was dead. I can't help but feel concerned about her. Swinging myself onto my chair, I swiveled around towards my computer. If I get better, I can use Dream Factory. Maybe then, people will be able to see her and Leo. I pulled on my headphones, clicking onto Skype. Maybe then.. I can get answers from my parents' past with them.

Brushing off the thoughts for another day, I called Lukas, waiting for his response. He responded quicker than usual, and I sat up in my seat, letting our webcams sync up.

"Hey!" Lukas exclaimed.

I waved nonchalantly, "Hi." My fingers stretched out, and I asked, "How are you and Lyra?"

"Quite alright today," he replied, running a hand through his hair. His blue eyes landed on me, and a smile lit up his face. "What about you?"

"Mom and Papa are training me to enhance my Dream Factory attribute," I informed him, peering down as my hands fiddled with each other. "I'm thinking of all the possibilities that it could help me with." Leaning over, I glanced at Lukas and added, "For example, I'm thinking that maybe I can get to your world using it."

Lukas looked up excitedly, only to quickly mask it just in case I teased him about it. I couldn't help but smile slightly. "Really?" He asked, clearing his throat.

"It's okay to be excited, Lukas," I said, laughing lightly as he furiously blushed, pulling his hood over his face to hide it. He must've been embarrassed to be so emotional in front of me, as he always was. I waved my hand slightly, brushing it off. "It's really cute when you're all childish and everything, really."

"C-Cute..?" He repeated quiet, his breath light, yet somehow heavy.

My cheeks flushed at how adorable Lukas was acting. "Mhm!" I heard him inhale sharply at my words, and he pulled the strings of his hoodie, letting it close the gap. I could practically feel the heat of his blush through our monitor. "Aw! Don't hide, Lukas..!"

"I-I find you cute too!" He suddenly exclaimed to me, making me jump in my seat a little. My face reddened a little as he added quietly, "J-Just for the record..."

A hand was to my heart, and I felt it beating rapidly under my palm. It was a steady yet quick beat, and I pushed away the fluttering thoughts of what my mother and I talked about a few days ago. I inhaled lightly, and, leaning over to my desk, said, "Thank you. I'm quite flattered by that."

Lukas didn't let go of his hoodie strings, still hiding under his hood all flustered and such. I held my breath, blushing at how soft he was in my heart. I wanted to hug him so badly, just let myself embrace him, but I wasn't sure how I could. I bit my lip, and exhaling a cold breath, I thought to myself.

Am I powerful enough for this yet?

My body reacted to the thought, glowing yellow, and I leaned over a little more, reaching for the computer monitor as my eyes squeezed shut.


Behind my eyes, I saw a faint light, only to ignore it completely, concentrating all of my energy in my body. I'm powerful enough for this. Suddenly, I felt a rush of cold air to my left, almost like an air conditioner was fanning me. It suddenly felt warmer than before, as if I moved into a warmer climate from Alaska. A presence appeared in front of me, and my arms wrapped around him, feeling the chair he was sitting on fall to the ground.


Lukas's voice.

My eyes opened, and I found myself on top of Lukas, with his chair on the floor as his back laid against it. My hands were on either side of his head, but with his hood on, he didn't seem to understand what was happening around him. I felt my cheeks flush, and suddenly, an urge to do something came over me. His hands had let go of his hoodie strings, now at his sides as confusion and curiosity filled the air around us.

"M-Meredith..?" He asked breathlessly, his voice quiet and low. He sounds flustered. "D-Did you—"

Abruptly, I leaned over to him and placed my lips over his, the fabric of his hoodie between the two of us. I made sure he didn't pull his hoodie off to see me, and my eyes shut tightly when his hands came up to hold my face, trying to see if he was hallucinating or if I was actually in his world. As I pulled away, I sat up and slid off of his body, sitting beside him. My hand went to pull his hood off his face, and I stared back at the cerulean eyes peering at me.

"Meredith..." he whispered, his eyes wide with tears in them.

I smiled cheekily at him, a soft blush on my face as my hands wiped away his tears. "Good to see you too, Lukas."

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