Chapter Nine

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"You're so lucky you don't have school."

Currently, I was walking to school, strolling along the sidewalk leisurely as the school came into view. I was Skyping with Lukas, who I learned to be a high school dropout, meaning I could talk to him at almost any time of day. My mother had given me her fluffy white earmuffs so I could speak to Lukas without any weird background audio. She was especially proud of the fact that they were actually headphones in disguise. She said they were an outdated version, but still functioned properly. And to be honest, I loved them!

"I wouldn't say lucky is the word," Lukas replied, half-joking. "I'm probably going to be stupid as hell when I become an adult."

"Don't worry," I told him, shrugging it off. "I don't think I learned shit from this hell hole."

Lukas laughed along at my comment, and I felt my heart pounding lightly.


"Good morning, Meredith~," I heard Linda Skies greet me. Not her again. I hated the fact that her voice seemed like it was teasing me. Making fun of me. I stared up at her, unamused. She looked down at me with a smile, her eyes shining in fake joy. "Those handcuffs look awfully terrific on you. My dad was right to put those on such a hybrid like you."

"I'm not a hybrid," I told her, my heart cold. I crossed my arms and leaned back in my chair, distancing myself from her. "I'm still made up of human genetics, Linda."

"Don't get all smart with me," Linda said, her eyes dimming. So her true colors show. "Human or not, it doesn't change the fact that you are a hybrid. A monster just like your mother." My jaw clenched as I glowered up at her, my hands in fists. Don't bring my mother into this. "An extra puzzle piece that needs to be thrown away. Just like your father. Your parents compliment each other quite well, both being nothing else but murderers."


Immediately, my chair fell towards the floor as I pounced onto my desk, my hand pulling a fistful of Linda's black cashmere scarf into my hand. My eyes glowed brightly, flashing between green and purple as I glared violently at the girl in front of me.

"You can talk bad about me," I snapped coldly, "You can spit on me. Push down the fucking stairs for all I care. I can accept that." I leaned over, my eyes staring into hers. I saw the fear split between her gaze. "But don't you dare talk about my parents like that."

Linda's eyes hardened, realizing the position she was in as people's eyes landed on us, confused and interested in what was going on. Her fingers wrapped around my wrist, and I clenched my jaw when fire appeared, burning my flesh where her hand was. I hate her fire attribute.

"Are you forgetting you can't use your attributes, you little bitch?" Linda spat in disgust. "You're just as stupid as you are monstrous."

My purple eye swarmed in colors, and I threw my head back, laughing at her pitiful retort. My voice lowered many octaves, a demonic tone behind it. Students began taking out their phones and huddling away from us as I stood onto my feet. I ignored the tightening handcuffs around my wrists, letting them suffocate my bloodstream as I forced my way into using my attributes. I stared down at Linda, who had let go of me when the fire disappeared out of nowhere. A smile graced my face.

"You think these things can stop me?" I asked loudly, my voice harsh and low. She didn't respond. "Answer me. Where's your confidence from before?"

I let go of my gaze on Linda, who immediately ran over to the crowd of worried and frightened students. I hopped off of my desk, hunched over as the pain of the handcuffs wore off. There was sudden cracking sound, and half the people in the classroom expected it to be my bones cracking from the pressure of the cuffs. My head turned up, and I smiled maliciously at my classmates. The iron handcuffs dropped to the floor with a clang, and I heard their gasps. I stood up, leaning back when a purple light wrapped around my right arm. The light evaporated, leaving a black speaker embroidered on my flesh.

"Just goes to show how pathetic your queen is," I laughed demonically, finding their fear amusing. I lurched over, my eyes on them. Bitterly, I asked in a quiet voice, "You're all scared of me, aren't you?"

After the question, I didn't remember what happened when I suddenly felt a pounding in my chest, pushing me back a few feet. My hands clutched my head when the pounding began affecting my mind, pulling me out of my grasp. Again, my right arm began swarming with a light, only this time, it was red. I dropped to my knees, falling to the floor helplessly when I began screaming. What's.. happening? This never happened before. In my vision, flashes of red light blinded me, and my ears began ringing. I could only continue screaming as voices shouted outside of my head.

"Someone call the teacher!"

"Get the medics!"

"Something's happening to Meredith!"

My eyes flashed open suddenly when I felt myself regaining my posture. For some reason, it wasn't the same. Was I hallucinating? Did I pass out? What was happening? I didn't know where I was, but I was laid down on the floor of a white room. My mind boggled as I looked down, seeing nothing but white. There.. wasn't a floor! I looked up. Nor a ceiling! Strangely, I stood onto my feet, looking around nervously.

"H-Hello..?" I stuttered out in a small voice.

I jumped a little when someone unexpectedly responded to my call. "No one will hear you with that quiet voice of yours, love~." The voice was clearly male.

Another voice jumped in. "Don't be a pedophile, you creep. That's her fucking daughter." Unlike the other, this one was female.

"Hmm. I can see where she got such potential from then."

"You aren't wrong there."

Slowly spinning around in my spot, I tried to search for the people who those voices belonged to. "U-Um," I said, "I-If it's not too much to ask, where are you two?"

"Close your eyes, little one," the female cooed.

I didn't want to obey her, but for some reason, my hands covered my eyes. My body wasn't in my control in this realm. I heard the sound of heels clicking on the invisible floor, holding my breath at the smell of perfume. I didn't recognize the voices nor the sound of footsteps, but it sounded like they knew my mother. Did Mom have people in her life before her? Before I could wander off in my mind, hands held my wrists delicately, pulling them off of my eyes.

I found myself staring at two adults.

One was an attractive male blonde with icy blue eyes, his features sharp. The other was a beautiful female brunette with pretty brown eyes. The two seemed to appear around their mid 20's.

"W-Who're you..?" I asked, my breath shallow as I questioned them. My eyes sparkled brightly as I looked up at them excitedly. "You two know my mother!"

The female smiled at me, amused by my excitement. "Little one, you have so much to learn from us." She leaned over, bending her knees to look at me. For some reason, I felt attracted to her. Just by her touch, I sensed something. "You've grown up to be just like your mother. Strong and wild."

The male put his arm around the female's shoulders as she stood up straight, though she shrugged him off with an annoyed huff. I tilted my head a little. Maybe they were a romantic couple of some sort.

"What are your names? And what are your relations with my mother?" I asked.

The male grinned. "My name is Leo Holmes. I was righteously killed by your father."

Leo Holmes.

The name was familiar.

The female smiled down at me. "My name is Julia Fernandez. I am the first victim of your mother's infamous Blood Assassin."

The two before me were fragments of my parents' past. They were pieces I wasn't supposed to learn about until I was 18. And now, they stood before me as the lost souls of my parents' blinded kills.

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