Chapter 15

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Lucy wandered around the beach. She passed some trees that had note's on them telling her to keep walking foreward till she saw an 'X'. When Lucy finally saw the 'X' she stood on it like the letter said. A couple minutes later, she saw two people. She squinted. It was Sting and Minerva. There was a pang in Lucy's chest. She watched them for a couple more minutes. They looked way too close for her liking. She was about to walk away when she saw something. Minerva and Sting. Kissing. On the lips. Lucy felt her heart break into a million pieces. She could only hear the shattering of her heart. Tears streamed out of her eyes. She spun around on her heel and ran blindly into the forest. She didn't know how long she ran before she slipped and rolled down a small cliff. It was raining heavily. Lucy pushed herself into a sitting position and stared blankly into the dark sky.

I was such an idiot to think that I meant something to Sting. Lucy thought. I fell too hard for Sting.

Rogue and Erza ran around the beach calling Lucy's name. It was raining heavily so Rogue couldn't sniff her out. Instead of finding Lucy they found Minerva and Sting. Kissing. Sting pushed Minerva away from him.

"Ergh. What the hell?! Stop Minerva. I don't like you that way." Sting said.

"Why?! I'm the perfect girlfriend! I can give you anything you need!" Minerva shouted.

"Except for happiness." Sting said.

Minerva bit her lip.

"I see now." she whispered. "I SEE!"

"What?" Sting asked.

"You like that blonde fairy! Lucy Heartfillia! You fell in love with her!" Minerva shouted.

"WHAT?!" Erza shouted.

Sting remained calm.

"So what if I do?" he said.

"She's long gone now. She's probably freezing to death somewhere." Minerva laughed.

Erza lost it. She charged at Minerva.

"YOU! WHAT DID YOU DO TO LUCY?!" she roared.

"Nothing! I sent her a note saying to meet me at the beach. Oops! She just might of seen me and Sting kiss." Minerva laughed.

Sting's blood boiled. How he wanted to kill Minerva. But finding Lucy would be more important.

"Minerva, when I get back to the hotel, I don't want to see your face. If I do, I will personally make sure you never get close the Sabertooth again." Sting hissed. "Let's go find Lucy."

Erza walked away from Minerva and ran after Sting followed by Rogue. Sting sniffed the air trying to find the familiar comforting scent of Lucy. He smelled nothing but raiN, mud and a small dash of vanilla.

Vanilla?! Lucy was here! Sting thought.

"Lucy was here." he said.

He looked down and saw a partially washed away 'X'.

This is probably where Minerva told Lucy to go. Sting thought.

"Knowing Lucy, she probably ran into the forest and collapsed somewhere." Sting thought outloud.

"How do you know that?" Erza asked.

"She did that when we first met." Sting replied.

Erza made hand motion for him to elaborate.

"She did that a little over a year ago when she saw Natsu kiss that stupid animal takeover girl. Now, I'll answer what you have to say later. I need to find Lucy." Sting said running into the forest.

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