Chapter 11

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Lucy lazily opened one eye. When she saw that she wasn't in her hotel room, she bolted up. She quickly looked around. She was in a large white room. Hearing a soft breathing noise, she looked down. Lucy almost screamed. Sting was right beside her shirtless. She looked down at what she was wearing. She let out a sigh if relief that she was wearing a dress that Carle lent her. The dress was light blue and had ruffles at the top with but it is a bit small and made it a little hard to breath.

"At least I'm not naked." Lucy murmured.

Lucy climbed out of bed quietly and looked at the time. 9:07. The Grand Magic Games started in 8 minutes. Lucy panicked. It takes 10 minutes to get to the arena. She walked over to Sting's bed and shook him.

"Wake up! Wake up!" she hissed.

Sting let out a groan and rolled over.

"Go away Rogue..." he murmured.

Lucy hit him on the head.

"I'm not Rogue." she said.

Sting opened his eyes and came face to face with Lucy. Her face was only centimeters away. He cursed.

"Get out of bed! The games start in 6 minutes!" Lucy said combing through her hair.

Sting let out another stream of curses and rolled out of bed. He grabbed a shirt on the floor and pulled it over his head. Lucy couldn't help but notice his muscles rippling under his skin. Lucy felt her face heat up and quickly looked away.

"I need to go before Erza kills me." Lucy said climbing out the window.

"Sure. I'll see you later." Sting said running out the door.

Lucy ran as fast as she could. Which was hard considering that she was wearing an extremly short dress. Lucy barely made it. She slammed the door open.

"So-sorry I'm la-late." Lucy panted.

"Thank God you're here." Natsu said hugging Lucy.

He sniffed her. She smelled different.

"You smell... Different today. Where did you go yesterday?" Natsu asked.

"I... uh... went around town as a cat. I must of picked up a bunch of scents." Lucy lied.

"Ok. Just try to come back before night falls. We were so worried." Erza said crushing Lucy into her armor.

Lucy laughed nervously and watched what was going on from the balcony. Unconsciously, her eyes strayed from the battle to Sabertooth. Orga and Rufus were watching the match with little interest while Minerva looked like she was going to kill somebody. Rogue was talking to Sting about something.

"What are you looking at Lucy?" Gray asked.

"N-nothing." Lucy replied looking back down at the arena.

Before Lucy knew it, it was time for lunch.

"Finally! Let's go eat! I'm starving!" Natsu shouted.

Fairy Tail team A and B went to the food court. Unfortunetly, Sabertooth was also there.

"What's Sabertooth doing here?" Natsu growled.

"If you haven't noticed pinky, we're here to get something to eat." Minerva said.

"My hair is not pink! It's RED!"

"It's pink." Sting said.

Sting and Natsu got into a little argument. Laxus and Orga were glaring daggers at each other. Gray and Rufus were evaluating each other. Erza and Minerva looked ready to kill each other. Lucy and Rogue just stood to the side and watched.

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