Chapter 4

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As soon as the train left the station, Stick turned as green as Natsu and Gajeel as he tried to fight the waves of nausea. I read a book for the majority of the time there, trying to ignore Sting leaned up against me, sleeping.

We arrived in Cloverville around mid-day and Sting was beyond relieved to finally be off the train. We walked to the Mayor's office building where the princess was waiting for us to escort her. As we walked inside and greeted the secretary at the desk, telling her who we were, she just directed us to a room on our left. Opening the doors, I was met by a chubby old man, the Mayor, and a beautiful young lady with dark brown hair wearing a long, dark green dress. Her dress complimented her grass green eyes.

"Oh yes, come in, you must be the Mage set to escort Princess Azula," The mayor said in greeting.

"Yes," I replied. "My name is Lucy, and this is my companion, Sting."

"Your guild said only one mage would be coming...?" He questioned and I nodded, saying,

"Yeah, they didn't know I brought extra insurance," I explained respectfully, hoping the mayor wouldn't get suspicious and not let us escort the princess. He might've if the princess hadn't stepped towards us eagerly, introducing herself.

"I'm Princess Azula, but you can call me Fiona." She said, tucking a strand of her thick, dark hair behind her ear and looking up at Sting with a shy smile. I felt something rise in my chest, but it quickly went away as the mayor walked over and handed me a backpack, saying,

"Here, this is everything the princess may need for her safe, comfortable travel." I took it from him with an understanding nod, only to be pulled down by its sheer weight. What is in this damn thing? I thought to myself, struggling to keep it up off the ground. The Mayor started listing off a bunch of heavy ass objects and it started to make sense why it weighed as much as it did. She has a tent, a fold-up cot, clothes, first aid, cooking gear, and a ton of other unnecessary stuff. She even had her own little fold-out stool to sit on!

Sting, noticing my struggle, reached and took the backpack from me, easily picking it up and sliding it over his shoulder. I looked at him in shock as he grabbed it from me like it was nothing, saying,

"You still got a lot of training to do, Blondie," With a shit-eating grin. I narrowed my eyes and ignored his comment, turning to the Mayor to assure him of the princess's safe trip and to say goodbye.

As we walked towards the forest in the direction of Boarsville, the princess had quickly latched herself onto Sting's side, yapping at him loudly as we walked. I felt myself roll my eyes in disbelief at her obvious crush on Sting, reminding me of Juvia. It was hard to watch, really. I felt my chest tighten uncomfortably as she pushed her chest closer onto Sting, trying her best to show off her assets. I took a deep breath and shook it off, assuming I was just understandably jealous of her natural beauty.

Soon, the sun had started to set and Fiona had started complaining about being tired and her feet hurting. We eventually came upon a clearing and I finally indulged her complaints, saying

"Okay, we should set up for the night here. Sting, can you set up camp? I'll go find some firewood," I said, already walking away from them, going behind some tall bushes. I sighed in relief, happy to finally be away from the princesses annoying voice. The way she was acting like Juvia, and practically drooling all over Sting was not only distracting and annoying but freaking gross. I must've gotten caught up in my thoughts, because I hadn't realized I had strayed from the path until I heard a snorting sound and looked around to see a big boar, standing and staring at me.

"Aw, hell," was all I could say as my hand instinctively went to my keys.


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