Ch 14

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"Hey I remember you!" Lucas and Marcus sister said as we made eye contact. I could feel my face growing hotter by the second as I looked at everyone else. Their eyes were all on me. I felt so embarrassed. I could feel it in my gut that she was going to tell the story any minute now. "You punched me!!"

I looked over to Lucas and Marcus and then their parents and they had a shock written all over their faces. Immediately I said, "I'm sorry" in a quiet voice. My fist clenched as I felt tears welling up my eyes, threatening to fall down as guilt crashed down on me.

"Oh no it's okay! I mean I did have a bruise after but it's no big deal. Besides I'm use to it actually. It may not look like it but I always get into fights." She smiled at me and tears streamed down my cheeks. I was a terrible person to punch someone over jealousy. Marcus and Lucas were already by my side at this point.

"And plus, I understand why you would assume I was getting all "flirty" with your mates. After all, my hair is dyed and I have a lot of piercings."

I let out a small laugh indicating a "Yeah no kidding."

Lucas kissed away my tears as Marcus went behind me and gave me a back hug, his face buried into my neck. Their mother gave a concern look towards me. "Are you feeling okay honey?"

I nodded and with the help of my mates I calmed down significantly after a couple of minutes. "Yes, I'm feeling much better now actually." I look towards their sister. "Again, I'm so sorry. You deserve an explanation after the whole thing I put you into. You see, I was jealous. And you know what jealousy can do to you." I gave her a sheepish smile.

After that there was light conversation during dinner. I ended up finding out the sisters name is Melissa and their younger brothers name is Micheal. After dinner they all hung out together while I cleaned because I was still very uncomfortable after the whole thing.

I felt it was my responsibility to do the dishes after the wonderful dinner so I did just that. With the help of Lucas and Marcus. Secret kisses here and there was definitely not being exchanged during the whole thing. I took a quick peek into the living room to see everyone still there. I kind of dreaded seeing their family just because I felt so awkward after they saw me cry and found out I punched their daughter. But it seems like everything calmed down.

I decided to tough it out and went to sit on one of the many chairs in the room. They were all laughing about something and I took it all in. The atmosphere is so homey it made me feel emotional. I decided to pitch in. Get to know their family.

That's basically how the night went but I excused myself when it got close to midnight. Lucas and Marcus family sure do love staying so late even when there is school tomorrow.

I went to go lay down in the middle of the big bed all of us shared. I felt kind of lonely without the twins but I couldn't feel jealous of their family. It's their dang fam after all. The pillows shall keep me company.

Awe shit, I was feeling so jealous today. I cried in front of my mates family and they found out I punched their sister. Ugh all bad things from feeling jealous. I quickly slapped the tears away that fell from my eyes. I heard all of the laughing and talking with each other from the bedroom. I needed to get over myself so I pulled the blanket over my head and wait for my mates. 

It had probably been an hour and my sexy mates came to go to bed. I checked the clock on the table across the room and saw that it was two in the morning. I was so done with their asses. I once again covered myself with the blanket and heard them quietly walk in.

I actually couldn't take it anymore and decided to make it known I was awake. They kind of both looked shocked.

"Alex babe, why are you still up, it's late we have school tomorrow."

"I wanted to wait for you guys..." I said in a quiet voice. They both got into the bed so they were on each side of me. Then snuggled close to me, both giving me a good nights kiss. I was honestly kind of mad at them for leaving me alone for so long but I mean I did the same to them earlier in the day. So I took a deep breath and decided to forget it all.

But I couldn't actually forget my jealousy. I tried my hardest though but today wasn't my day and I was feeling all types of bad emotions.

That's it. From now on I shall try to not be jealous! Jealousy is the root of evil!

With the warmth of my mates surrounding me I fell into a deep sleep. Sadly though, I woke up only four hours later to go to school yay. I love that for me.

I woke up with Marcus arm on top of me and Lucas, boy was he a wild sleeper. He some how ended up with both his legs on Marcus and mines legs and his head practically hanging off the bed.

I honestly did not want to go to school today from how tired I was feeling and how cute my mates looked while sleeping. I snuggled closer to Marcus but then not even a second layer the second alarm went off. I groaned and grabbed my phone to turn the alarm off, in the process waking up Marcus. He pulled me closer to him and kissed my neck and then made his way up to my lips. In his sexy morning voice, "Morning beautiful."

I blushed, he's too sexy what the fuck. Even though I wake up every morning like this, I still can't get over the tingles they make me feel with simple gestures like this.

Marcus pulled me closer and started to suck on my neck, probably leaving a hickey. I giggled at the feeling of his breath on my neck and decided to tickle his stomach.

"Hey hey," he said loudly and quickly moved away.

"We gotta get ready for school," I smiled at him and then went over to Lucas to shake him awake. Not only was this boy a wild sleeper, he also was a heavy one too. I called out to him a few times and he stirred a little bit before getting in a comfortable position to close his eyes again. I signed before poking his armpit a couple of times to annoy him.

He still wasn't awake, Marcus game over to the other side of the bed and rubbed his whole hand onto Lucas face and that woke him up.

"Stooop," Lucas whined in a high pitched voice which I laughed at.

"Wake up Lucas," he looked over to me, and quickly got up and gave me a kiss to the lips. I blushed again. My mates both began to get ready for school while I laid in bed for a couple of minutes freaking out over the kisses they gave me.

I decided I wasted too much time in bed and then got really super speedy. We all ate a light breakfast and Lucas drove us to school.

I hurried to my first class because I decided to be gutsy when we got to the school entrance and called my mates cuties. They instantly attacked me with their love. So because of that I was almost late to my first period, and I was never late to my classes... except for the time I skipped.

My dad never bothered to talk about it though, we try to call each other daily but he usually gets super busy with work. Also I visit him with my mates every other weekend.

I sat down in my seat and saw Lester. I honestly wanted our friendship to rekindle but I was scared to talk to him first. Also I don't think we can ever go back to what we once had. I looked at him for a quick second before going to the school work at hand.

We had to do a silent reading but I never do it so I was lost in my thoughts. I never even heard the door opening, and a new student walking in. But I did notice when someone came to sit in the empty seat next to me. It had been Lester's seat but after the situation he hasn't sat there. I was kind of scared to look up to the person next to me.

My fox can automatically sense the dominance from this person. I had accustomed myself to handle Marcus and Lucas but he seemed to reek it more. Maybe he was doing it on purpose but usually people hide their pheromones.

That kind of stuff could effect not only the creatures but the humans too. Most people couldn't even tell a creature from a human because everyone disguises themself, but this guy was sure making it obvious.

I quickly looked up to him and his piercing cold blue eyes met with mine. He grinned before sitting his bum right down next to me. The next thing I knew he was facing me with his head supported by his arm on his desk while giving me a grin.

"Hi Alex, it's so nice to see you after so long..."

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