Chapter 5

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~Alex's POV~

"WHAT?!" I yelled with shock written all over my face. The twins looked at each other with mischievous smirks. I already have a bad feeling about this...

A look of uncertainty found it's way to my face. I fiddled with my fingers and my eyes followed the movement, soaking in the new information. I stood there dumbfounded not yet realizing the situation I was in. 'To live with these sexy ass guys... Becoming a Luna despite being a guy...the strongest pack in the United States...' thoughts like that filled my head. Then it was as if a heavy rock hit me, I was the Luna of the strongest pack in the United States and I will have to live with two handsome guys... that are my mates. (No shit Sherlock)

"This is unreal..." I breathed in and out to calm myself down. Once I felt calm enough, I look at the Alpha with determination shining in my eyes. (Like Eren from Attack in Titan) "Deal." I said with confidence and sternness.

A heavy laugh came from the old guy -Alpha I mean- and his giant hands landed on my shoulders. My body struck with weakness for some unknown reason (Probably because the Alpha is heavy af) but I managed to keep my ground. "Thanks kiddo," he said, those words creeped me out, but I don't know why. "Alright! What are you guys still here? Pack already! We are going to greet your mate's family." He boomed out

After a few minutes of waiting in the living room for the twins to finish packing, they finally finished. 'That was quick' I thought in disbelief. I was led to another expense looking car and was told to wait inside because the needed to load in their belongings in the trunk. It was at least another thirty minutes before my patients disappeared. I was practically dying of boredom. It's like one of those times when your mom says 'I'll be just a minute, I just need to get a few things.' Then walks out 6 hours later pushing a cart full of groceries. Also the damn heat. Talk about suffocating. I provided cool air for myself by opening and closing the door, even if it didn't help much.

I heard faint footsteps coming closer to the door. The door opened with the sound of a click. The woman that calmed down the old man from earlier, placed her bottom on the passengers seat. Then the old man sat in the driver seat. Soon followed by them were Lucas and Marcus in the back seats, sandwiching me between them.

Marcus placed his hand on my thigh, followed by Lucas on my other thigh. Holy shit was this embarassing. Focusing on something else, I looked out the window to see if I noticed something familiar. But nope... just boring ass trees that wouldn't entertain me. My mind trailed off to thinking about how this situation would work.

I had hundreds of thoughts come to mind. Imagining how the future would unfold was always fun to do for me. I wonder what dad think about if I just suddenly showed up with two hot guys claiming to stay with us for a few months or so. I can just tell him, 'Dad, I have two mates that are soon to be alphas of the strongest pack in the U.S. Is it okay if they stay with us?' Yea causality always works, right? I was pulled out of thought when the car came to a sudden stop. I glanced out the front window to see we were at my house. 'Well that was quick. Time sure does fly when you having fun.... heh..."

Excitement grew all over, it's been so long since I've seen my baby. All my thoughts focused on seeing my baby. I leaned over Lucas and opened his door, hurrying to take off my seatbelt. Then jolting out of the car and running to the house door. I knock on the door several amount of times, glancing over my shoulder to notice my parents car are gone. That's when it struck me, Lester!

It must already be pass two o'clock. "Excuse me but, what time is it Sir?" I asked the old guy in a polite way. I really need to remember his name, I noted myself.

"It's one-thirty and you can call me Leo or even dad." He smiled. Something was off about him, but I shouldn't worry. I bet he's just sad his twins will be going off with their mate. But their mom looks happy for them.

"Thank you... Leo," I paused and decided to go with Leo, because honestly I barely know the old man and calling him dad gives me shivers. But damn it, Lester won't be home for another 30 minutes. How the fuck does he always get into my house on the fucking second floor. I investigated around my house to see if there were any evidence as to get inside. Then I looked between the distance of our house, it was about 8 meters from one roof to the other. I started to question how he does it, but I guess we have to wait.

I walked back to the front and see Lucas, Marcus, the old man, and their mom standing there, with curious looks as to what I was doing just now. I stood, wanting to build up their curiousity, before I spoke. "Let's go to McDonalds."

We got some salty French fries, three double cheese burger, and a few drinks, and other delicious shit. I chomp down on the fast food. I know I know, I'm a fat ass. Ah, would you look at the time! Lester should be home soon. When we were finished, we went back inside the car and had some small talks. We arrived and I immediately got out of the car. I was getting more antsy by the second.

After five minutes or so, Lester came into view. I made a dash to where he was, in the distance I saw a big smile plant its way onto his mouth. "Lester!" I yelled out several times. I had him in arms length and gave him a bear hug. Reaching for his backpocket, I snatched his phone. "Oh how I missed you." I hugged his phone.

"Bro, where've you been, you were gone for three days." He said, concern roped in his voice. I checked the date on his phone to see it had been three days since I been kidnapped. "Um, why are those guy at your house?" He asked staring right at them, I turn and look too.

"Starting today, I'm living with them." I simply said. Lester expression grew to a face that said, 'Woah, that's amazing.' Then changed to, 'wait tf?' I noticed he was about to question why but I cut him off. I already knew what he is going to ask. "I'm their mate."

I noticed Marcus and Lucas walking up to us. When they came close, both of them pull me towards them aggressively. "Cool, dude." Lester nervously said.

All of a sudden Lucas pulled my head to face his. I deeply stared into his eyes before he smashed his lips onto mine. Deepening the kiss with his tounge slipping in. My mind became shocked before I enjoyed the feeling. My cheeks began to fluster and I got the urge of wanting more. He pulled back and smirked as Marcus yanked my hair to face his face, doing the same as what Lucas just did. But this time more aggressively, which turned me on even more than I already was. My arms, unconsciously, moved around Marcus's neck. I then heard an awkward cough.
"Should we go inside... or do you guys want to continue... I mean... I'll be over there." He awkwardly said and walked over to Marcus and Lucas' parents.

I unwrapped my arms from his neck, flustered because I forgot Lester was there. I hurried to the others because, I got super embarrassed to be around Marcus and Lucas.

Lester told me how he always gets into my house so we went that way in and I went straight to the bathroom to take a shower. Well Lucas and Marcus also wanted to take one, but I forced them to wait. It was difficult but I managed. Then we waited for my dad to come home and for them to discuss what will be happening. Me and Lester were catching up with each other. That is pretty much what happened for the time being.

The end, for this chapter!

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