Chapter 28

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Just a hold on

----Quigley's POV----
Quigley soothingly caressed Violet's forehead. He held her closely, not only trying to warm her but he fooled himself into believing; the tighter he clung to her, the harder it would be for her to leave him.

They decided to return to the cave they had taken refuge in the previous night. They lit a fire and hoped for the best.

Violet remained a ghostly pale, her a skin snowy white. Her lips were stained a blue purple from the cold; violet.

Sunny made a hot soup from roots she had gathered in the forest. They hoped that the warmth from the soup might counter-act the effects of the cold.

Quigley sat with her by the fire, longing to hear her voice once more. Her eyes fluttered open and closed as she slipped in and out of consciousness.

"Violet, please, stay awake, stay with me, don't go," he whispered to her on a monotonous loop. He hoped she could hear him. He hoped she would stay.

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