Chapter 8

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A bus ticket to anywhere

----Isadora's POV----
Duncan and Isadora's wait was finally over. They decided to roll up the sleeping bags and gather their belongings incase they wouldn't be returning to the mouldy apartment. Before leaving Isadora looked at the festering apartment once more before turning to her brother, who looked really quite worried and gave him a reassuring smile.

"We'll find them, don't worry," although Isadora knew that they had every reason to worry. Neither the Quagmires nor the Baudelaires had a history of good fortune. There was every chance that something had gone horribly wrong. To calm herself she thought of a couplet she once wrote

If all I did was worry,
I'd waste my time,
and soon be sorry

Duncan and Isadora then proceeded to wander into the streets, searching for not only there brother and Violet but for any possible dangers that would explain the absence of their sibling and friend.

----Violet's POV----
Violet was crouched behind a bin in the dark and dingy alley. She peered around the side of the bin, squinting so she could see through the shadows. To her dismay it proved that her plan had not succeeded. Esmé Squalor had not been trapped, or if she had it hadn't lasted long.

Esmé stalked angrily down the street, turning to face the alley way where Violet hid behind a bin. If Esmé didn't already suspect her whereabouts Violet was certain the thud of her heart would give her away.

To Violet's horror Esmé was making her way towards the bin, Violet had no time to risk the fact Esmé may not find her and tore down the alleyway emerging into another bustling street.

Violet ran as fast as she could until she saw a familiar face, a face contorted with mingled relief, confusion and worry. But she had no time to dawdle, she grabbed Quigley's arm and told him to run.

----Quigley's POV----
Quigley was so overcome with relief when he saw a beautiful blur of long dark hair and a soft pink skirt running towards him that when she grabbed him and yelled "RUN," he couldn't process what was happening

"Violet--why are --we-- running?" Quigley panted as he and Violet tore down the street
"And--where are we--running to?" Violet ignored his questions and instead she gasped "Just--keep running,"

"VIOLET BAUDELAIRE! YOU WRETCHED BRAT! GET BACK HERE!" As sickenly familiar voice screeched and as Quigley glanced back he caught sight of Esmé Squalor. Dismay flooded through him as he cursed under his breath. Now everyone knew Violet was alive, everyone knew where she was. Now she needed more protection than ever.

----Duncan's POV----
"VIOLET BAUDELAIRE! YOU WRETCHED BRAT! GET BACK HERE!" The voice of Esmé Squalor echoed and boomed so loudly that Duncan and Isadora heard it immediately and turned in the direction of the sound.

They then saw Esmé Squalor, her face pinched and angry, and who they had been searching for. Violet and Quigley were hurtling towards them. No one needed to tell Isadora and Duncan to run, they turned and sprinted on their own accord.

Duncan was filled with mixed emotions. He was glad and relieved to know that Violet and Quigley were safe, although whether they would be safe in five minutes time, he was unsure of. But he was filled with dread, Esmé Squalor had just exposed Violet's cover, people might still believe her to be a murderer? Esmé may catch them? And this other feeling, a sort of discomfort to see Violet and his brother holding hands.

----Violet's POV----
Violet knew that she once again was on the run. People may still think she was a murderer. Now everyone knew she was indeed alive. But that didn't stop Violet from climbing aboard the bus, waiting to depart at the end of the street, and pulling Quigley aboard behind her.

"Four child tickets please," Violet gasped once she checked to see that all the Quagmires were aboard the bus with her. Violet rummaged around in her pockets and dumped what change she had in her pocket on the counter. It seemed to be enough as the driver didn't comment and nodded at her to take her seat.

But Violet didn't take her seat, she knew that Esmé Squalor wasn't far away and would most likely mount the bus. "Please hurry!" Violet pleaded the bus driver and to her relief he closed the bus doors and the purr of the engine begun.

"STOP THAT BUS!" Esmé screeched, now only several metres away form the bus

"GO!" All four children yelled at the driver and the driver stomped on the accelerator.

Violet rushed towards the back of the bus, and stared out of the back window, she could see the figure of Esmé Squalor growing smaller and smaller in the distance. Sighing in relief, Violet slumped against the seat and examined the small cuts she had received when smashing the vase.

The Quagmires soon joined her and all three of them started asking her questions "Was that Esmé Squalor?" Isadora questioned "What happened? Are you okay?" Duncan asked "Did she hurt you?" Quigley inquired

Violet giggled "I feel like I'm being interrogated, but seriously I'm okay," "I'm sorry I got you guys involved," she added more seriously 
"Don't be daft," Duncan said fondly "I can't imagine any situation when we wouldn't try to rescue you," Violet smiled at him, Duncan was always so kind to her.

Violet then continued to explain what had happened, and each of the triplets shared the same expression of concern.

"She may not be the only one after us," Violet added, she of course referred to the series of fires that had previously followed her every move. Somehow Violet didn't think Esmé was behind the fires.

"Well I'm just glad we're all okay," Isadora said resting her head on Duncan's shoulder, yawning she then closed her eyes and fell almost immediately asleep.

"I'm sorry we never got any food, I should've realised that it was Esmé," Violet apologised once more

"Don't be, it wasn't your fault, if you had recognised her she still would've gone after you anyway," Quigley stated, yawning himself, after all if was quite late now.

Violet spent the rest of the night staring out of the bus window, wondering where this bus was taking them, until she too fell asleep.

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