Chapter 17

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It's your fault because I love you

----Violet's POV----
Violet watched Quigley as he sat down in the sand and placed his head in his hands.

And then she saw the look of guilt on Duncan's face as he too sat alone, by the campfire, distancing himself from the rest of the group. She could also see Klaus admiring Isadora, as she played with Sunny, and the look of frustration on Fiona's face as she tried to bring his attention back to their conversation.

Violet was at a loss for who she should comfort, but as she turned back to watch Quigley sat alone in the distance, she scooped up Beatrice and made her way across the sand to join him.

As she approached him, he turned his head and she could see that he was furious, but then his expression changed to one of sadness.

"You kissed my brother," he said flatly, there was no anger in his voice, he said it as if he were stating a commonly known fact, like "the sky is clear today," but of course he wasn't informing Violet on the weather. He then turned his head so that he was once more facing the ocean.

"No, your brother kissed me," Violet corrected him a she sat by him, resting her head on his shoulder.

"Were you ever going to tell me?" He asked, "I'm not angry, just curious," he added.

"I don't know, I wanted to but I also felt that it wasn't my secret to tell," She then placed her finger under his chin and turned him to face her.

"Quigley, I am so sorry,"

"No, you shouldn't be sorry, I should, I should've realised he liked you, I should've..." he trailed off, not meeting her eyes, turning his face away from Violet once more.
"It's all my fault," he mumbled, almost inaudible.

"Quigley," she huffed "Quigley Quagmire, look at me,"

He turned to meet her eyes reluctantly.

"You should've what? Because let's face it, I love Duncan-" she started and Quigley's expression changed to one of betrayal and horror.

"Excuse me!" He said, his face ashen.

"I love Duncan like I love Klaus," she giggled, poking his ribs "And maybe if I hadn't met you I might've loved him differently, not the way I love you of course, but maybe as more than a friend, but that's besides the point because I did meet you," She placed Beatrice in the sand next to her so that she could cup his face with both her hands.

"And you can't say you should've done something else because I kissed you first, you didn't kiss me, I made the first move, I would always have kissed you," she said kissing his cheek softly.

"So your right, it is your fault, it's your fault Quigley Quagmire because I love you! And I've never ever loved anyone like I love you before, never, so-" but she was cut of my Quigley who pulled her in to a strong, passionate kiss.

----Quigley's POV----
Once they broke apart Quigley just stared at the wonderful girl who'd just confessed her love for him, he knew how she felt about him but to hear it aloud, it made his heart soar.

"I'm so lucky to have you," he said, whilst caressing her cheek softly.

"As am I to have you," she leant into him, her eyes shone so bright and blue in the dim light of the sunset.

"I love you too Violet," he whispered as he rested his head atop hers.

"That's music to my ears," she smiled up at him, "Now come on, we should head back before they send a search party," Violet said as she stood up and held the infant in her arms, she then offered her hand to Quigley.

So they walked back along the shore, hand in hand, as the sun dipped behind the horizon leaving the children in the darkness of the night.

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