Chapter 12

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A rescue team

----Quigley's POV----
Klaus carefully explained to the triplets that Violet had been abducted, kidnapped, by someone, or someones, seeking revenge. Klaus of course had no idea who this may be but he had received a letter, a letter from her kidnappers and it had read:

We have taken something of great value
Something we do not intend to return
That something will soon be lost
Never to be found
This something escaped a nasty burn
But survived at a greater cost
Come quick, dear orphans
Or your lost something will be drowned

The Quagmires turned pale after hearing the last sentence of the threat. Quigley felt his heart turn cold, as this feeling of anger and fear spread through him.

"They're going to drown her!" Duncan looked horror struck whereas Quigley looked rather uneasy, as if he were sick. He felt sick, sick with worry. He was also furious that anyone would dare do such a thing to Violet. He would make sure whoever was behind these callous threats pay.

"Where do you think they are taking her?" Duncan said, his voice full of concern
"Well you see, there's an address on the back of the paper. The address is Hotel Denouement, which is curious as it burnt down over a year ago, but perhaps the pond still remains," Klaus informed the triplets.

"I don't mean to be insensitive but, do you have the locket?" Isadora said, still clinging to Klaus
"Yes, it holds a slip of parchment which says that the unknown object remains to be found in the Mortmain Mountains," Sunny spoke, her speech had developed so much in the year and a half since she saw the Quagmires

"Nothing like a bit of nostalgia," Quigley muttered darkly, still brooding over Violet.

----Isadora's POV----
"So where now?" Isadora asked

"We're going to find Violet first," the Quagmire brothers said in unison, both startled by the coincidence, it had been a while since the triplets had done that.

"Of course, sorry," Isadora apologised
Beatrice then started playing with a strand of Isadora hair "Oh!" Isadora exclaimed "I was so caught up in being reunited with Kla-- the Baudelaires--that I didn't notice--is this Beatrice then?" She asked, blushing, pretending she hadn't almost exposed her feelings for Klaus.
"Yes this is Beatrice Snicket," Klaus introduced her, smiling fondly at Isadora, he was all too aware of her fumble.

"Can I hold her?" Klaus then placed the baby in Isadora's capable arms. Isadora  had always secretly loved children, she cooed softly at the small infant, rocking her gently.

The children then decided to leave the Frozen Forest and catch the next bus heading in the direction of the ruins of Hotel Denouement.

On the bus ride, Isadora sat with Beatrice on her lap next to Klaus who kept glancing back down at the two girls, possibly to check on the wellbeing of the infant or to simply admire the teenage girl who sat beside him.

Duncan sat with Sunny, who talked to him about her life on the island, the boat journey, her life with Klaus and Beatrice, everything. For one who was unable to communicate properly with her friends in the past, Sunny felt extremely privileged to do so now and she was making the most of her ability.

Whereas Quigley sat alone, staring out the window. He was struggling to manage the contrasting emotions that danced inside of him, his joy that Violet was alive, his fury at those who had stolen her from him, his fear for what may happen to her if they didn't reach her in time. All he could think about was Violet, and how much he missed her.

The children eventually arrived at the ruins of Hotel Denouement, the rubble still scattered the ground. The ash and smoke still lingered in the air, although it had been a good year and a half since. The only thing that had changed was the construction cranes that towered high above them in the bleak smoky sky.

"There's no one here," Isadora said disappointedly,
"No one that we can see," Quigley stated, reminding his siblings of how events usually unfolded,
"So if there's anyone here," Duncan began,
"They must be hiding," Isadora finished a satisfied grin on her face.

"That had a hint of a horror movie," Sunny said quietly causing Klaus and the Quagmires to keel over laughing.

"I can't get over the fact she can already talk more sophisticatedly than I!" Duncan guffawed in awe.

The children where still consumed with laughter until they heard an eerie creak and one of the construction cranes moved to reveal a large bird cage, much like the one Sunny had spent time in but larger.

And inside was a slumped figure.

A figure that had long ,dark, raven hair spilling over her shoulders, a light blue skirt and a sinister, angry red gash spreading across her forehead.

"Violet!" Quigley yelled, unable to contain himself as he was so overcome with worry.

"So, you've arrived just in time for the show," a familiar male voice snarled.

The children turned to find themselves face to face with one of the Denouement brothers.

"Ernest!" Klaus gasped in shock and fear.

"I'm afraid not," said Frank, an evil smile crept over his face, this grin was so unusual to find on a member of the same side of the schism as the Baudelaire and Quagmire parents, that it made each of the children shudder in pure terror.

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