Chapter 22

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A rickety trolley

The eight children mounted a rickety trolley heading towards the Mortmain Mountains. Violet sat by Isadora with Beatrice in her lap. Sunny sat on the other side of Isadora. Opposite them sat Duncan, Quigley, Klaus and Fiona.

----Klaus' POV----
Klaus watched as Isadora talked to Violet animatedly, he noticed the way s her grin grew and grew as she talked to her friend. The way she smiled with her eyes as well as her lips. The way she kept tucking her long brown hair behind her ear when it fell into her face.

"So...Isadora huh?" Quigley said, distracting Klaus from admiring Isadora.
"Um, wh-what do you mean?" Klaus attempted to play it cool although the blush creeping up his cheeks gave him away.

"The way you look at her, it's obvious that you really do care, which is great, she really cares about you too," he smiled at Klaus.

"Just don't hurt her okay," he continued, ignoring Klaus' discomfort. When Quigley requested Klaus to keep his sister unhurt Klaus imagined a thousands situations where she could get hurt. But none of them seemed possible, Klaus would never deliberately or willingly hurt Isadora. If he were to ever hurt her it would either be to protect her or a result of a complete and total accident.

"I would never dream of hurting her," Klaus replied "In return, you make sure you don't hurt my sister, don't you dare hurt Violet," Klaus said, his voice sincere.
"I would never dream of it," Quigley promised, mimicking Klaus. But Klaus could tell in Quigley's expression, despite the light-hearted tone of his voice, he was deeply serious when he promised Klaus that.

Klaus and Quigley then discussed the journey ahead of them, the events that
may await them.

----Quigley's POV----
Whilst they chatted, Quigley absent-mindedly knotted Violet's blue hair ribbon around his hand, which was inside his pocket. Quigley would never admit this, but often when he was worried about Violet (or just worried in general) he would clutch the hair ribbon tightly. He found it comforting, it was as if he always had a piece of her with him.

As he talked to Klaus he noticed Violet, sat across from him, had stopped taking to Isadora and now was resting her head on Isadora's shoulder, her periwinkle eyes fluttering shut.

Whilst she slept her hair fell across her face, hiding her soft pink cheeks and rosebud shaped lips. All the while she kept Beatrice clutched closely to her chest, protecting her.

It occurred to Quigley that Violet was the closest thing to a mother Beatrice and Sunny had. In fact, she was a sort of mother figure to even Klaus.

Violet was so naturally caring and kind, she was a natural with children. She had such motherly instincts, she knew exactly how to handle Beatrice when she was in a mood. All of these traits made Quigley love her even more. She was wonderful in every single way imaginable. She was perfect.

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