Chapter 8

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So ive been grounded. Just had to state that so no one thinks i ditched the story i would never do that.

Disclaimer: I own none of john greens amazing ideas

He emailed me back. There is an email from peter Vanhouten in my inbox. What the hell has my life turned to. I open it. "My dearest hazel". After I read the email I called the two people I care most about besides my family. Augustus and Isaac. They'll be over in 10. I might be hyperveiniling by then. Peter Vanhouten just freaking said I could come to Amsterdam.

I curled up into a ball on my bed and screamed into a pillow. My mom then proceeded to walk into my room in just a towel screaming "HAZEL WHAT THE-". She was interrupted by Augustus and Isaac walking in. They then promptly covered their eyes and both said that they didn't see anything. My mom was so flustered she couldn't speak so she left my room. In the middle of my panic attack. Thanks mom love you to.

"So this just got awkward" Augustus says as he picks up AIA. "You could say that again" Isaac says. "Okay so this just got-"he stops after he sees me curled up on my bed. "Hazel not to be rude of anything but you look a little what's the word Isaac" he says turning to his best friend. "I believe its beautifully miserable" He says looking at Isaac. "Nice word choice" he says then he gets serious and sits down next to me.

"Hey" I say absent idly staring at my wall. I must look like I'm going insane. "Hey" He says. "You okay Hazel" Isaac says sitting at my feet. "No" I say. "I'm perfect" I finish and boy of them get this really weird look. "If you feel up to it want to tell us" Augustus asks me as he starts rubbing my shoulder. I don't want him to stop but I have to reach for my laptop.

Once I grab it and sit back next Augustus he leans over my shoulder. I wake up the laptop. It's still on the email. He reads it. Then it becomes his turn to look what's the word, beautifully miserable. "Augustus" Isaac says and I hand him the laptop. He reads the email but he doesn't really react. How could he he's never even read the book much less obsessed over the author. "Okay" he says, "So this Amsterdam guy invited to his house, does this concern anyone else"

He asks Augustus and I. Augustus looks around my room and finally sees what he's searching for. He gets up walks to my desk grabs the book and sits back down. He hands it to Isaac. "Not just anybody Isaac" Augstus says as he points to the Author on the title. "Oh" Isaac says. "Yeah" I finally say. "How am I going to get you Amsterdam Hazel Grace" Augustus asks me.

I laughed. "We aren't going to Amsterdam Augustus it just can't happen" I tell him and his eyes light up. "Yes we can" He says and now I'm confused. "We can sneak onto a plan and go there for a week its simple really" He says and I frown a little. I thought he was being serious. "We will find a way hazel I promise" He says and takes the book back from Isaac. He opens to a page and begins reading to me.

"Conjoiner rejoinder poisoner concealer revelator. Look at it, rising up and rising down, taking everything with it."

"What's that?" I asked.

"Water," the Dutchman said. "Well, and time."

And that's when I realized I was tired. I listen to Augustus read. I think Isaac leaves something about work. He took Augustus car so he wont be leaving me anytime soon. Right as I'm about to fall asleep he stops reading. "Why'd you stop" I ask him then add "You okay". "Yeah I'm okay" he says but I can tell he's tired to because he starts to ramble.

"You know Hazel grace the word okay is weird because we use it so much of the time that it almost losses its meaning you know. It's like people are truly forgetting the meaning of the word okay. It's not fair. I want to make sure that people remember this word and that the meaning is never forgotten and-" then he stops and looks at me. "Maybe okay can be our always Hazel Grace"

Now I'm fully awake. I decide that he's right. That okay shouldn't be the forgotten term word of the future. So now as I sit here with him half asleep I decide to tell him the words that explain everything.

"Okay?" I ask him even though I know the response.


That's when I fall asleep dreaming once again of my waters. My Augustus Waters.

I wake up and its almost midnight. Augustus left. But not without a note on my typed into my laptop drafts.

My dearest Hazel Grace-

I'm very sorry for rambling on and on about the word okay. Some reason it just felt right to give it just a bit more mean if tonight but I want to tell about what I really wanted to say to you but I couldn't. I wanted to tell you so bad that I'm going to get you to Amsterdam but I cant because I don't want to disappoint you. I don't want you to hate me. I just you to be happy. So just know that without a doubt that I'm going to do whatever is in my power to get you to him. To get your answers that you have wanted more than anything. I'll give you the best gift ever Hazel grace. "Okay?"

"Okay." I whisper.

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