Chapter 16

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I am so sincerely sorry that I haven't updated. I was at camp two weeks ago and then I was helping my parents last weekend. No i'm not ending the story, I would never just leave a book unread and same goes for a story half unwritten. Any ways I tired to make it up to you guys by making this chapter good. Enjoy...

"Um we aren't-" I start out again but Augustus stops me by saying "Thank you". She leads us to a door and points to some of the tables across the street and says "You'll be seated in our outdoor dining area" she says and opens the door. We walk across the street and sit down at a table right next to the canal.

It was amazing outside. There were these tiny petals floating around the tables and making clumps in the water. A young waiter sees us and makes his way over, holding a bottle of champagne. I'm starting to like Amsterdam. "Welcome to oranjee, Champagne for the beautiful couple" he says even though he is already pouring our glasses.

"Would you like menus or will you both have the chefs choice?" he asks and Augustus looks towards me. "What is the chefs choice?" he asks and the waiter smiles. " It is a surprise but I can Guarantee it will be amazing" the waiter smiles and leans toward me a bit.

"If I were you I'd take the leap, while a rather small leap all small things add to one big sum" the waiter says. Augustus smiles and looks at me again. "Chefs choice for me and for Hazel Grace?" he says and I nod towards the waiter. "Chefs choice" I say and he smiles.

"Excellent" is all he says then scrruries off to another table by us with a women complaining about god knows what. There was nothing to complain about, this place was amazing. Augustus held up his flute of champagne and smiled. "To us and Anna" he says and I hold up my glass "To us and Anna" even though in my mind I was thinking "To us and Caroline".

He wouldn't stop making me laugh. At one point there was a little champagne coming out of my nose. We had been here a while and have just been talking/laughing. We weren't drunk either, which is the funny part because all of this, of us, was completely real. I liked that it was real. I liked how everything between us was real.

The waiter came back holding heaven, or at least my version of it. In his hands were the most Delicious looking plates of food I have ever seen. He sets the plate down and says "White asparagus with lavender infusion". All I heard from his mouth though was "dig in". I did just that.

With every passing course our conversation diverted into talking about real events to the food that was sitting right in front of us. We stopped after one glass of champagne because I for one actually want to remember this night.

"Living here would be like living in heaven" Augustus says and I nod. "Do you believe in that" I ask and he quirks an eye brow. "Heaven, Angels and all that stuff" I ask and he smiles his big goofy grin. "Yes" is all he says.

By the time desert comes i'm so full that just looking at the food made me sick. We stayed though, trying to get hungry again. I kept nibbling but I couldn't eat it all, and I highly doubt that fancy restaurants have take out boxes.

Our waiter comes back after a little while and Augustus asks for the check. "Oh no sir no check for the beautiful couple" he says and Augustus looks towards me confused. "What?" is all he says. The waiter laughs and then picks up our plates. "Its all paid for by Mr. Peter Vanhouten" he says then walks away. "I'm starting to like this Peter guy" Augustus says then stands up.

We leave Orannjee and decided that the night shouldn't end now. We started to walk along the canal while taking Amsterdam in.. There were old couples walking arm in arm and teenage girls riding side sadel on bikes speaking rapid fire dutch. "I would never want to live here" I say as we both sit down on this little wooden bench we found"

"This is the perfect place to live though" he says and I nod in agreement. " That's why I don't want to" I say and he looks at me confused. "If you live in a beautiful place then to you it isn't beautiful it just is" I say and he nods. "Like home".

We've been sitting on this bench for an hour now and it's been at the least interesting. Every time a stranger walks by Augustus makes it his priority to make me laugh so hard I snort. The stranger then either laughs with me or curses in dutch, which normally makes me laugh harder.

By the time the sun was setting we were sitting there with our fingers intertwined and my legs over his lap. "What do you believe in?" I ask and he smiles. "Capital s Somewhere" he says and that makes me smile. "So you do think you're going to go some where after you die" I say and he still smiles.

"You mean after I get my body hidden under neath the ground and have this weird ceremony everyone cries" he says and I smile. "Then yes I do, I don't believe there is this heaven where you always get to do whatever you want whenever you want but I do believe that there is somewhere you go" He says and continues to grin. "Capital S Somewhere" I say and he nods.

We walk back to the hotel hand in hand and I've got to say it was nice. Then I remembered that my mom has a very strict rule about not being out after 11. By the looks of the sky it was almost midnight.

We made it to my hotel door and Augustus kissed my cheek. "Good night Hazel Grace" he says and then he walked back towards the elevator. I walked into the room and there was my mom already looking scary calm. "Hazel Grace Lancaster you cannot go walking around an unknown city with a boy, its just not okay" she says but then bugs me any ways. My moms not the type to hold grudges. "I'm sorry" I say and she nods. "Well just go get ready for bed" she says and that's exactly what I do.

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