Author #31: @zeugma

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An author who's single. I know right? But definitely NOT READY TO MINGLE.


Personal Info Section

Name: Donald Kim


Location: Quezon

Birthday: July 24, 1995

Status: Single but not ready to mingle

Wattpad info Section

UN: zeugma

Member Since:May 31, 2013

Votes Received: 1.4x102              

Stories (List your stories and Give a short detail about your story e.g. genre):

Agent Titania... It’s a story full of flaws I made it not even thinking every parts of it. It is just that I’m boring so I made that one and until it’s not finish because of my busy schedule.


When did you start writing?

 Start writing since high school.

Who are your inspirations in writing?

Dan Brown

What inspires you to write?

Different novels and movies.

What motivates you to keep on updating your stories here in wattpad?

No one motivates me because for me writing is a past time; as long as I have a quality time to imagine things and write it down to create a chapter to update my story.

How did you find out about WATTPAD?

Serendipity, I accidentally redirected to this page.

How do you balance your time? (Wattpad with personal life)

After doing my assignments and other school papers I open my wattpad. But now I seldom do that because I want to focus more in my studies.

How do you manage demanding readers?

If my story is famous I will answer this in this way: I don’t mind them because for me writing is to express not to empress other, if they really want my story just wait for my updates.

How do you deal with haters?

I don’t mind them. If they hate me then hate me.

What advice can you give to those writers who are afraid to try? How can they overcome fear?

Again as I’ve said writing is not to empress it is to express our feelings through the words that we write to create good phrases that suddenly made sentences then a paragraphs and a chapters.

Getting to know the Author

Random Questions:

If you would be a thing what would it be?

A pen.

If you would be an animal what would you be?

A eagle or hawk maybe.

What is the one thing/animal that best symbolizes you?

A thing that symbolizes me is crayon that colors the world... HAHAHA so GAY.

What is one thing you cannot live without?

My family.


Food: Tinola, adobo, caldereta, at chicken teriyaki, fajitas at iba pa.

Drink: shakes, cola, liquor (oh no no. Joke.), wine, whiskey. A freakin’ drunkard!!!!

Fruits: green apple.

Vegetables: all because it is healthy.

Color: cyan, blue, yellow

Number: 24

Author: dan brown

Stories: thriller

Likes: sleeping, nature trekking, watching. Reading.

Dislikes:waking up early.

Motto: everything happens for a reason.

Saying: if you can’t be a highway then just be a trail. If you can’t be a sun be a star. It isn’t by size that you win or you fail. Be the best of whatever you are.


What kind of person are you? Can you describe yourself? (Attitudes, behavior, physical, emotional hehehe. Kaw na bhala)

Moody, suplado. 5’7 in height. Walks like a model daw sabi nila. Pogi daw sabi nila.


Just keep going. Trust yourself and be true.

Message to your fans/readers:

Hi, meron ba?

Message to aspiring writers:

Keep it up.... express yourself and make a difference.

Message to haters:


Interview 101 (An interview with MALE AUTHORS)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon