Author #10: @haveyouseenthisguy_

1.2K 28 6

Isa pang sikat na author na kung magact ay 3 years old daw kahit na binata na siya. Ayon saknya wala naman daw special sakanya nothing much sabi niya pero ang ayaw niya ay ang ininsulto siya.


Personal Info Section

Name: Jason (almost 1million guys have that name. See, I'm very ordinary)

Age: 18 (though I act like I'm just 3 years old)

Location: Somewhere over the rainbow where blue birds are flying. xDD

Birthday: Gift muna! xDD Ok. Ok. I'll spill it. I was born of February 23, 1996

Status: Eating Chocolates :D

Wattpad info Section

UN: HaveYouSeenThisGuy_ <My UN has an underscore in the end 'cause some derp used the name before me. -_->

Member Since: March 2013. Just last year. Not that old as anyone has expected

Votes Received: Around 7K total votes for some derpy unknown reason. Someone put sorcery in there lol :3

Stories (Give a short detail about your story e.g. genre):

My main genre is Teen Fiction. I don't plan on going to other genres anymore(becuse I'm too lazy and too bored to do so). All my stories are targeted to teenagers and young adults (of course, why would I write something mature if I myself is very immature). I don't have an overcomplicated plotline with my stories like kidnapping, massacre, bang bang, stab stab, kabooom boom flying intestines everywhere! xDD My story are just plain people doing their plain lives (so therefore, it's boring and you should not read them! I'm serious!) xDD



When did you start writing?

-- When I was 3. I first wrote my name in an ugly penmanship (I kinda maintained my ugly penmanship until now. It's my font style. lol) xD But more on the serious side, I started writing short stories when I was 13. I started writing novels at 15.

Who are your inspirations in writing?

-- Everyone. All people around us, even strangers can serve as an inspiration when it comes to doing something, in my case, it's writing. :)))

What inspires you to write?

-- Everything. Like what I said above. Anything can also serve as an inspiration un doing anything.

What motivates you to keep on updating your stories here in wattpad?

-- I'm not motivated. I'm lazy. I honestly don't update much (that's why my readers<if I have any> leave me. lol) XDD

How did you find out about WATTPAD?

-- Classmates. They're sort-of fangirling over something and they said it's something in wattpad. I think the story was BTCHO. Though 10STBWG and DNP were my first stories and they are awesome.

Interview 101 (An interview with MALE AUTHORS)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon