Chapter 5 Something

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He showed me the folder. There was one thing there was one girl who was not blonde but she has blue eyes. "why did the killer break the pattern" I asked. "I think it might have been our copycats first kill" he said proudly.

We kept looking through the files the where all killed different way but this girl was sloppy and they found a finger print but never matched it to anyone.

"Where is your dad by the way" Luke asked. "I don't know sometimes he just disappears" I replied.

"But anyway back to the files, when did the killings stop for a period of time" I asked

We went through what felt like 1000 folders. "here" I said excitedly, he turned to look at me.

"They stopped in the 1985 so he must of started the killing when he was younger" I said.

We started to looking at all the files one stood out I recognised the name 'Alison Baywood'.

"Have you heard this name before" passing him the file. "No" he replied.

I ran downstairs and asked my mum "do you know a Alison Baywood" I asked. "Ummm I heard of the last name it is your uncle wife last name I think" she replied.

"I ran back up stairs this lady is related to my aunty I think" I told Luke

"What does your aunty look like" he asked. "umm well she colours her browns but I think it is naturally blonde" I replied slowly. "What colour are her eyes" he asked questionally.

"Blue" we look at each other

I pull out the photo of the victim.

I look at the date of birth on the file. "How old would she be now" I asked Luke. "39" he replied

They where twins and my aunty has alway made sure her hair is dyed and you can't tell that she is blonde and she wears brown contacts most of the time. I think she knows what and why her sister was one of the victims.

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