Chapter 2 All these question

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The police got here in 20 minutes. I was frozen. I had seen her before she ha been to the same kindergarten as me and Luke. I think her name was Lilly.

They where asking so many questions. I just wanted to rewind and just have a normal prom. I wanted to go and just hug Luke but they kept us separated.

They said it was so that we didn't influence each other story.

I could see him but I knew he wasn't listening to them. He was staring into space that's when I got his attention.

He looked at me and looked like he blamed himself for us being there. When they said I could go he was waiting for me so where my parents I ran and gave him a hug. He kissed me my parents looked at me so I pushed away.

"I need to talk to Luke" I told my parents they walked away.

"What did you say to them" I said. "What happened" he replied

I kissed him on the cheek and whispered "I have loved you since kindergarten as well." he smiled I kissed him and then went and found my parents.

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