Chapter 4 Some many folders

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There where adleast 100 folders here the latest one dated back to the 1950's.

I ran down stairs my mum was still in the kitchen.

"Mum can Luke come over?" I asked.

"As long as you keep your door open" she replied. "mum really after what happened last night". I was walking of when she called me back into the kitchen. "we still haven't talked about what happened last night. are you ok?"

"I'm fine" I replied. Then I walked off.

I rang Luke to see if he wanted to come over. He was at my house in less than 10 minutes. I thought I would have had more time to get ready so when he came I was still in my pyjamas.

When he walked in the door he laughed and my mum tried to talk to him but I pulled him up stairs before she could.

The first thing he did when he got into my room was kiss me it must have been adleast 20 minutes of us making out before I heard my mother coming up the stairs.

"Would you kids like some dinner" asked my mother.

"I'm not hungry mum, but thanks" I replied. "what about you Luke" said mum. "no thanks".

When my mother left he started to kiss me again. "that's not the only reason I invited you here" I said. "Then what do you want" Luke replied.

"Someone sent me these" I lifted the files up onto my bed.

"Who" Luke asked. "I don't know"

We started going through them. "they date back to the 1950's. All the girls that where killed are blonde hair, blue eyes." l said. and they where all found in locker rooms with the shower running all over the state". I said scared.

"So we have to find things that the police have missed obviously it is not the same killer and that some one has taken over the 'tradition' if you want to call it that" I stated.

"So we have a lot of work to do done we" Luke said.

Hours had gone by when my mum came in. Luke and I where snuggling when she walked in and reading some of the files. "what are they for" my mum asked. Me and Luke look at each other. "ummmmm they are for my legal studies class" I muttered. "ok" mum said

"Luke are you staying the night" mum asked. "if that is ok" like replied. "yea of course. but you have to sleep on a mattress on the floor." "Mummmmmm" I said embarrassed

When she left u got the mattress from under the bed out. We kept reading the files until we went to sleep. We both feel asleep I my bed.

I was startled when I woke up with someone stroking my hair. I rolled over to see him smiling at me.

"I found something" he said.

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