Chapter 3 Staring

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As I walked down the hall way people where staring. I saw Luke, he was waiting for me at my locker.

When I got to my locker before I got to say anything like started to kiss me and of course it didn't refuse. The next thing I know it we where standing there me against the locker and him leaning against me i knew people where staring but I didn't care.

It must have been 20 minutes before my best friend Monique came up to us. "ummmmmm" she said "may I please have I moment with Lucy". He walked away I looked at her with a mad face.

"What do you want" I said rudely. "I came to ask if you are ok after everything that happened yesterday"

"Well, of course not but I can't keep remembering it" I said

"I need to go talk to Luke sorry catch up later" I walked away before she could say anything.

I caught up with him just before class we have class together so we started walking.

"I got a phone call last night" I muttered. "From who?" he said "I don't know" I said nervously. "what did they want" he questioned "they said that Lilly wasn't the only one" I said quietly.

The bell rang. As we walked into the class he looked worried. The whole lesson all I could think was "what did they mean?"

At lunch we went to the library. "what do you think they meant." I said quietly. "that there are others who have been killed maybe"

We searched the internet about killings in the area. Nothing came up. We went to the history section of the library and there was nothing there either. The bell rang as we where walking to class something came into to my head. "What if they meant she is not the only girl killed that way or left that way. Maybe she could look like other murder victims.

When I got home my mum called me into the kitchen. "there's a package here for you" she said pointing to it on the kitchen table. "do you know who it's from." I have no clue, I might go open it up in my room.

As soon as I got to my room I shut he door opened the box it was a bunch of files with police stamps on the folders.

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