Chapter 12

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"No! Kili!" Thorin shouts as our group rushes to the spot where the others appeared to have been crushed, but they look safe.

"We're all right! We're alive!"

I rush over to Kili the minute I see him and kneel down hugging him tightly crying

he hugs me tighter "Hey, It's alright Aingeal everything is ok, I'm fine, just breath." He whispered pulling back placing his hand on my cheek wiping my tears away

I feel the heat rush to my face as I lean into his touch, staring into his brown eyes.

"Where's Bilbo? Where's the Hobbit?" Bofur asks

I snap back to reality as Ori shouts "There!"

Kili and I broke apart and we looked to see only Bilbo fingertips hanging onto the edge of the cliff. Ori dives onto the ground and tries to grab Bilbo's arm, but Bilbo slips and falls another few feet before he catches another handhold

"Get him!" Dawlin shouts diving to help

As the dwarves try to pull him up unsuccessfully, Thorin then swings down on the cliff next to Bilbo and boost him up, where the others pull him to safety.

Dwalin tries to lift Thorin back up too, but Thorin loses his grip and begins falling too; however, Dwalin, with much effort, is able to pull him back up.

"I thought we'd lost our burglar." Dawlin sighs in relief

"He's been lost ever since he left home. He should never have come. The elf girl either" he looks to Bilbo then me  "They have no place amongst us." Thorin tells him then walks off

Soon we find a cave to wait out the storm and get some rest.

"There's nothing here," Dawlin says coming from the back of the cave

Gloin drops a bundle of wood on the floor "Right then! Let's get a fire started."

"No, No fires, not in this place. Get some sleep. We start at first light." Thorin says

"We were to wait in the mountains until Gandalf joined us. That was the plan." Balin points out

"Plans change. Bofur, take the first watch."

The Company spreads out throughout the cave. Soon from what I can see everyone else but Bofur are asleep. I walk over to Bofur.

"Hey las, what are ya doing?" He whispers

"I can't sleep so I thought you might like some company. If that's ok" I smile

He smiles "You know, I would love that. Please come sit." he pats the spot next to him

I smile sitting next to him "Can ask a favor Bofur?"

He shrugs "Sure lassie."

"Could you teach me Khuzdhul?"

"I can but I will only under one condition."

"Oh and that would be?" I cross my arms

"Oh relax now Kaya its nothing bad, I just want to know what is going between you and the youngest prince," he says point over to Kili who is sleeping  peacefully next to Fili

I shake my head "I don't know what you're talking about Bofur." Trying to play innocent

He raises a brow "I'm not stupid Kaya I have seen the way you and the lad look at each other. Seen Bombur with the same look around his wife."

I sigh "Fine look Bofur How about I make you a deal. You teach me some Khuzdhul and I explain to you everything I can when we can be more alone. I don't really feel this is right now a good place or time to talk about it."

"Alright, lass you have yourself a deal." He smiles and for the next few hours, he tries to teach me the basics of his language. Then Suddenly we both see Bilbo heading to the entire of the cave trying to leave, Bofur jumps up and walks over to him.

"Where do you think you going?" Bofur asks him whispering

"Back to Rivendell," Bilbo tells him

"No, your part of the company you can't leave. your one of us." Bofur says trying to get him to stay

"His right Bilbo," I tell him walking up to them

"No, I'm not, you both heard Thorin say that I shouldn't have come and his right I'm not a took, I'm a Baggins. I don't know what I was thinking, I should have never left home."

"You're Homesick we understand," Bofur tells him I nod in agreement

"No, you don't understand! None of you do, your dwarves and neither does Kaya, you all are used to this life, living on the road, not staying in one place, not belonging anywhere." Bilbo says in frustration

"Bilbo, How can you say something like that." I snap at him see how much that comment hurt Bofur

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't-" Bilbo started

"No your right." Bofur interrupted him look to the others sadly "We don't belong anywhere."

"Bofur." I frown placing my hand on his shoulder

Bofur places his hand on mine squeezing it and smiles sadly at me. Then let's go and places it on Bilbo's shoulder "I wish you all the luck in the world. I really do."

"Please be careful Bilbo," I tell him

Bilbo nods and turns to walk away

"What's that?" Bofur asks Pointing to Bilbos sword and sheath

Bilbo pulls his sword partway out of its sheath and it's glowing bright blue.

"This is not good. We need to wake everyone." I tell them

Suddenly Thorin shouts to everyone sleeping "Wake up. Wake up!"

Before anyone can react though, the floor of the cave collapses downwards. We fall down a chute, slides through a tunnel, and land in a giant wooden cage. As we struggle to get up, a horde of goblins attacks us, takes away our weapons, and drags us all away.

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