Chapter 5

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As we were handing out the next morning it begin raining.

"Hey Mr.Gandalf, can't you do something about this deluge?" Dori asked

"It raining, Master Dwarf, and it will continue to do so until it is done. If you wish to change the weather of the world, you should find yourself another wizard."

"Are there any?" asked Bilbo


Other wizards I mean."

"Aren't there four other wizards besides yourself Gandalf?" I asked

He nodded "Yes there are five of us all together, the greatest of our order is Saruman, the white. Then there are the two blue wizards; you know, It seems I forgot their names."

"And who is the fifth?"

Gandalf smiled "Well, that would be Radagast, the brown."

"So Is he a Great wizard or his more like you? Ow." He says rubbing his shoulder

"That was just mean Mr.Baggin," I whisper to him

"I think he's a very great wizard, in his own way. He's a gentle soul who prefers the company of animals to others. He keeps a watchful eye over the vast forest lands to the east, and a good thing too, for always evil will look to find a foothold in this world. Kaya do you mind if I talk to dear Bilbo alone."

"Not at all Gandalf."

I slowed down so Gandalf could talk to Bilbo alone. I ended up all way to the back of the company.

"What you doing all the way back here alone, Kaya?" I heard a voice next to me asking

I turn to the owner of the voice to see Kili smiling at me "Well Gandalf wanted to talk to Bilbo and I really have no one else to ride by."

He frowned" what about me Kaya."

I frown "Oh I'm sorry Kili, I didn't mean it like that."

"Nah, it's ok."

"Oh, I want to say I appreciate you talking with me last night."

"No problem. Anytime Kai." He smiles

"So if I'm to be hosnty. You are the alone one well beside Gandalf and Lord Elrond who knows anything about my parents."

"Do you hate dwarves Kaya. You know with dwarves and elf hateing  each other and seeing how your half-elf." He suddenly says

"No, I don't hate Dwarves Kili. Yes, I'm half-elf but that doesn't mean a thing, I was raised not judge a person just because their different. I like to know someone before I come to the conclusion beforehand.

He nods "Oh, ok."

I looked over to him and smiled after that the ride was silent. After a little while, we stop at an abandoned farmhouse. we all got off our ponies and Thorin started barking orders to the company.

"A farmer and family used to live here," Gandalf said looking at the house in ruins

"What you think happen to them Gandalf?" I asked

"I'm not sure." Gandalf frowned "It would wiser to move on. We could make for the Hidden Valley." He tells Thorin as he approaches us

"I have alright told you I will not go near that place," Thorin said coldly

"Why not? The elves could help us."

"His right the company could get a good night rest, food, advice."

"I don't need elves advice," Thorin growled at me.

"We have a map that we cannot read. Lord Elrond could help us." Gandalf said trying to get Thorin that we need the help of their help.

"Help? A dragon attacks Erebor, what help came from elves? Orces plunders Moria, desecrate our sacred halls, the elves looked on and did nothing. you ask me to seek out help." he points to me "From the very people who betrayed my grandfather and father."

[Man, my mother was right he really hates us]

"You are neither of them. I did not give you that map and key to hold on to the past."

"I didn't know that they were yours to keep."

Gandalf stomps off without another word

[What an idiot] I put a hand on Thorin's chest to stop him from leaving. "You know, you really should listen to Gandalf, his very wise and he knows what he's doing," I say calmly

He grabs my wrist hard and pulls me towards him. "I did not ask nor need your advice." He growled with hate and tossed me to the side "And don't ever touch me again." with that he walked off

I sat there rubbing my wrist [What did you think would happen, Kaya you fool.]

I felt a hand on my shoulder "Are you alright Lassie, why are you crying?" A voice asked with worry

I looked up to see it's Bofur offering his hand. I grab his hand and he helped me up. "Yeah, I'm fine Bofur." I wiped my face not realizing that I was crying

"Are you sure, lassie." He said 

"Yes Bofur I'm alright, promise," I tell him smiling

He frowns offering his hand again "Well if you say so I'd just come to tell yah Bombur is just be about done cooking and I didn't want you to miss supper. Also If you want to you can stay by me tonight."

[What a kind dwarf Bofur is.] "Thank you Bofur." I grab his hand

"Anytime lassie."

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