Chapter 3

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I put Bilbo on his chair just as Gandalf comes in holding a mug for him. he smiles and thanks me and I leave and go sit in the now empty dining area

"Um, he-hello sorry if I'm interrupting anything I Just thought I would introduce my self. I'm Ori." someone says behind me

I turn around to see a young dwarf holding a journal "Hi Ori, It's nice to meet you."

He smiles "Is what Gandalf said true are both a hobbit and an elf?"

"Ori get back over here." we hear someone shout

"Yes, it is."

"Well if you don't mind sometime talking to me about it." He shyly asked

"Sure, I don't mind all Ori." I smile

"Great thank you." he laughed and ran off

After a while I see Bilbo walk down the hall. Later the dwarves gather in Bilbo's living room. I hear them begin humming, soon Thorin begins to sing and the others soon join him. I listen to them as I sit next to Gandalf. in the morning we all got up at the crack of dawn we packed our things and left bilbo's home.

We ride on ponies with Thorin in the front, I rode next to Gandalf "Gandalf can I ask you something that been on my mind since our meeting with Thorin Oakenshield and his company?"

He looks at me raising a brow "Ask Kaya I'll see if I can answer it."

"Well, you do realize if Thorin finds out about my family history, he'll probably hate me more then he already does."

"Yes, I'm fully aware Kaya."

"Then why am I here?

he smiles at me and said: "Kaya you well see in do time."

I Opened mouth about to say something. When suddenly we heard a voice yelling "WAIT! WAIT! I SIGHED IT."

We all came to a stop and turned our heads to see Bilbo run towards us with his pack on his back and contract in hand.

he runs up to Balin and hands him the contract "I've sighed it." He said catching his breath

Balin looks it over and smiles "Well everything seems to be in order. Welcome, Master Baggins, to the company of Thorin Oakenshield."

I smiled and everyone cheered

"Give him a pony."

Bilbo tries to protest but is cut off by two dwarves, as they pick him up from behind and put him on a pony. Bilbo looks quite uncomfortable riding it though.

"No, no, wait, wait, stop! Stop! We have to turn back." Bilbo suddenly shouts

Everyone comes to a halt, and the dwarves start objecting and asking what the problem is.

"What on earth is the matter?" Gandalf asked

"I forgot my handkerchief." He replied

"Here! Use this" Bofur says as he tears a strip off his clothing and tosses it to him

Bilbo catches the rag and looks at it in disgust. The dwarves laugh

"Move on."

We continue traveling through many areas of Middle-earth, like forests, hills, and plains. I decide to ride along side Bilbo.

"Kaya Leafwalker that's what Gandalf called you if I'm not mistaken?" Bilbo suddenly asked

"Well yes, that's my full name. Why do you ask?"

"It just I knew a Leafwalker, his names Griffon, he used to live in the shire long ago, he was a good friend of my parents and I thought that seen how you have the last name and that your half hobbit I was just wondering if you might be related."

I smile "Yes Bilbo I am, he was my father. So your his closest friends son. you know he always told me he called them" the unexpected love" he never thought he'd see.

"Well, maybe we could have a chat about them that is if you don't mind."

"I um, " I pause to think "sure Bilbo I think I'd like that.

We stop on a cliff side as it becomes night to rest up. After we eat Everyone seems to be asleep but Gandalf, Fili, Kili, and myself. That's what I thought until I saw Bilbo coming over to the ponies where I'm laying down trying to get some sleep. Bilbo brings out an apple out of his pocket and feeds it to his pony "Good girl. This our little secret, Myrtle; you must tell no one. sh, sh"

I giggled at how sweet Bilbo is "She seems to like you." I remark coming up to him

He jumps turning around "Oh, Kaya, you scared me. What are you doing over here shouldn't you be over there with the others?" He asked pointing to all the sleeping dwarves

I roll my eyes and sigh "Look, Bilbo, you're a hobbit so you might not know this, but most dwarves hate elves and vice versa. I don't want to make any of them feel uncomfortable."

"Oh, I see."

We both hear a scream in the distance and Bilbo looks over to Kili and Fili

"Um, what was that?" Bilbo asked scared walking over to them

"Orcs," Kili said calmly as we hear another scream from afar

"Orcs?" Bilbo asked scared walking over to them

"Yeah, throat-cutters. There'll be dozens of them out there." Fili said

"The lowlands will be crawling with them." I came from behind Bilbo

"They strike in the small hour, when everyone is asleep. Quick and quiet; no screams, just lots of blood." Kili said

Then they started chuckling at Bilbo's scared face.

I looked at them, they stop, "You think that's funny? Do you think a night raid or any raid by orcs are jokes? Or scaring poor Bilbo there?" I ask them in anger

"We didn't mean anything by it," Kili said and they looked down

"You two should watch what you joke about. Orcs are nothing to laugh at and neither is death for that matter" I say walking off to the ponies

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