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I sat near my campfire as I clean the blood off my sword. After killing a group of orcs that tried to raid my camp.

"Kaya Leafwalker my dear I knew I could find you." I hear a voice behind me

I turn to see Gandalf "Gandalf what brings you here?" I smiled

"I'm here to ask you to accompany us in an adventure as the scout of our group" he smiles

" 'Our' who else is going? What type of adventure is this Gandalf?" I asked

"A group of dwarves from Erebor are going back to reclaim the mountain ."

"Wait, The lonely mountain right, isn't that dragon Smaug still there? who is the leader of the group?"

"Yes, he is. Thorin Oakinshield." He simply said

"I Don't know Gandalf, he hates my kin more than any dwarves. he'll never agree."

"You let me worry about that Kaya. So I well see you at the shire. Look for my mark on the door." he says walking off

I run after him "Wait, Gandalf are you sure about this."

He stopped and looked at me "Yes I am. You do remember where it is?"

I sigh "Yes I do. Well aright then I'll see you then Mellonnen (my friend)."

With that, he leaves and I go back to my campsite to think about what I agreed to and started packing up my things for my journey to the shire."

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