Chapter 15

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Hey! Sorry I haven't updated in like forever, but my goal was to finish this before school starts again and that happens in two days, so I can't finish it for my goal, but I can get pretty far. I'm still gonna write for the people still reading this MoA. I don't even know if it's good, but you fans have been the best! Now it's starting to sound like I'm gonna stop writing, which I'm not! Ladies and gentlemen, The Mark of Athena chapter 15! I don't own any of the characters, ect.


To be honest, Annabeth was getting nervous. They had made it to Rome, and monsters hadn't attacked them for days. To make matters worse, her mother, Athena had appeared in her dream last night. She told Annabeth more about the Mark. Athena didn't tell her how to use it, she just told Annabeth what it did. Well, what Athena wanted her to do.

" Only the bravest warriors get the Mark," she explained.

Great, Annabeth thought. I'm starting to get second thoughts.

Athena had also told her a key part of The Mark of Athena.

"Use it against that creature. Avenge me. Use the Mark."

Annabeth got chills down her back when she thought of that. That morning, when Annabeth woke up, she went straight to the ship's mini library, Leo had made. It was to research Greek myths and Greece itself. Then, Annabeth found it. The book that would tell her everything. The title was in Greek, but Annabeth could understand it perfectly. She started to read. She needed something that would make this thing weak. That was the easy part. Making a plan for this however, was not. Even being a daughter of Athena, every strategy came in to her head, but none were good enough for this. She couldn't tell the others. If she did, all of them would help out. Annabeth needed to do this alone. For her mother.

An arm wrapped around her shoulder. Annabeth turned and saw Percy.

"You ready for this, Annabeth?" he asked.

Annabeth just nodded, a confedent look on her face. Percy hugged her. Annabeth hugged him back. When they let go, Percy gave her a little kiss on the cheek. She blushed.

Annabeth loked at her soroundings. They were slowly desending. Annabeth had no idea how Leo was going to stop this thing. Turns out, Leo landed the Argo II way better than Annabeth thought he could.

When they had reached land, the seven formed in a group to think of a plan. Leo took something out of his toolbelt, Annabeth saw it was a car key. Leo pressed a button on it, and the Argo II's stern lights flashed. Leo seemed satisfyed so he put the kays back in the toolbelt.

" Ok, here's the plan," Jason said. " First, we find out where Nico is. Frank, didn't you say something about the Coliseum? Well, we should make sure first that that's where he is. To make sure we could-"

"I don't mean to be rude, but if we know where Nico is, shouldn't we just go get him?" Percy said a little aggressively.

"I'm just trying to be cautious." Jason said.

"Well you don't have to be." snapped Percy. Annabeth knew where this was going. She had to step in there before something bad happened. But just as she was going to, Jason said " That kind of thing destroyed Greece. You should be more careful."

"What do you mean by that?" Percy asked rudely. "Do you think that Greek demigods are not 'careful'?"

"I didn't say that."

"But you meant it."

"I'm just saying that we need a plan. If we march up to the Coliseum, unprepared, then Gaea has already won. However, if we have a plan, like the Romans, we will defeat her."

Annabeth was starting to get angry. Jason was baisically saying that Romans were better than Greeks. She saw Percy figuring it out in his head. He looked as though he was about to explode. Before he could open his mouth, Piper jumped in.

"Guys, calm down. This is what Gaea wants. Maybe we should just go find something to eat. We haven't had breakfast and I think that everyone is hungry."

She was using her charmspeak, and it looked like it was working. Annabeth started to get really hungry.

Then, Percy took a deep breath. "You're right, Piper," he said. " Let's get some food."

Jason walked with Piper and Leo, while Percy walked with Annabeth. Frank and Hazel walked together. It was going fine, until it started to rain. Hard. It was so bad, that Annabeth could barely see Percy.

"Where are the others?" Percy asked her. The rain was so loud, Percy had to yell. Annabeth told him she didn't know. They kept walking to find someplace dry so they could contact the others. After ten minutes of walking, they found a cafe. Luckly, the patio was still open. Percy and Annabeth took a seat, trying to get warm. Then, Annabeth took out a drachma.

"Who should I IM?" she asked Percy.

"Frank and Hazel," he said. "I'm still mad at Jason."

Annabeth nodded. She threw the drachma into the rain and said the prayer. Annabeth knew think wasn't mist, but it would have to work. Slowly, Frank's face appeared. Obviously he was startled when he saw the Iris Message because he yelled a little. Annabeth stiffled a laugh.

" Where are you guys?" she asked. "We lost you and Jason in the rain."

Frank looked around. "We seem to be at a park," he said. "But I'm not sure. We are under a picnic table. You?"

Annabeth told them where they were and that once the rain cleared up, Percy and Annabeth would come find them. Frank nodded, and the Iris Message vanished.

Annabeth was going to contact Jason, Piper and Leo. She had a bad feeling in her stomach. When the Iris Message appeared on the other side, Annabeth could see Leo. He looked around, like something was wrong.

"Leo" Annabeth called. Leo turned around, a shocked expression on him face. When he saw Annabeth, he looked somewhat relieved. Just a little, His eyes still darted around, like he was looking for something.

"Hey Annabeth, where are ytou?" he asked.

Annabeth told him and asked him the same question.

"I don't know. I have no idea."

"What about Piper and Jason?" she asked.

"They were right bbeside me before you called. Now, I can't see them anywhere." Leo tried to light his hand up, but it was imedeatly put out by the rain.

"Look Annabeth, I think something fishy is going on here. I think Jason and Piper are in danger, and I can't shake that feeling of being watched."

Just as Annabeth was about to reply, she heard something behind Leo. It sounded like... laughing? Annabeth could see Leo heard it too. He turned around, and a hand swipped the Iris Message away.

"Leo?" she asked, although Annabeth knew there would be no answer. She looked at Percy. He was pale and was probably thinking the sam thing she was. Jason, Piper, and Leo were in troube. But Annabeth was a little scared of the hand. It was huge, but female. Annabeth had only one thought in her head: They were taken by a Cyclops.

Well, how was it?????

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