Chapter 3

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As everyone was getting off the boat, Piper looked around. She couldn't see Annabeth anywhere.

"Hey Leo," Piper said. "If Jason is looking for me, just tell him I'm on the boat with Annabeth."

"Got it beauty queen." Leo said, then got off the boat

Piper found Annabeth at the bow (front) of the boat. She was looking at the camp, her eyes stormier than usual.

"Hey," Piper said.


"What are you doing up here?"Piper asked.

Annabeth faced Piper. She looked like she had been crying,

"What's wrong?" Piper asked.

Annabeth took a shakey breath. "Look, Piper I know you're trying to help, but I can't tell you..."

"You think you have guy problems?" Piper said. "Annabeth, I have the exact same problem. We both have guys who might have other..... other girlfriends. But, I know that Percy loves you."

Annabeth raised her eyebrows. "Really?" she said. "How do you know?"

Piper shrugged. "Just a feeling. My mom is the love goddess. Now, let's go down there, OK?"

Annabeth smiled. "If you are trying to charmspeak me Piper McLean, I swear, it will be the last thing that you do."

Piper smiled. "Come on, let's go."

Piper didn't want to tell Annabeth about her dream. Especially,the part about the mark of Athena.

It took Piper ages to find Jason and Leo. She found them at the Coliseum.

They were with two other demigods, probably some of Jason's old friends. They looked nice enough. Once they turned around, Piper stifled a scream. They were the two other kids she had seen in her dream. The girl had golden eyes, the boy, well he just looked the same.

Jason smiled. "Hey Piper," he said. Then he looked around. "Where's Annabeth?" he asked.

Piper turned around. She could of sworn Annabeth was right behind her.

Then, Piper spotted her. Annabeth was with a boy, and they were walking towards the group. As they got closer, Piper could see that they were holding hands.

"Guys," Annabeth said. "This is Percy."

Piper's stomach almost flipped over. The last boy in her dream, was Percy.

As Annabeth was introducing everyone, a skinny boy with blond hair came to them. He was holding a Teddy Bear, which Piper thought was a bit odd, because the boy looked way to old to be playing with toys.

"Well," the boy snickered. "The Greek has a girlfriend, Annabeth I presume daughter of Athena. Welcome back Jason."

Jason stiffened when the boy said that.

Annabeth's eyes widened. "Luke?" she squeaked.

The boy started to laugh. "You foolish girl," he said. "I am Octavian, descended of Apollo. And people say children of wisdom are smart."

Percy started to run at him, but Annabeth held him back.

"Percy, it's OK," she said. "Besides, he's not even a real demigod."

Octavian scowled. He was just about to say something, when a cyclops came over. Piper knew it was Tyson, but she still couldn't look into his big brown eye. She knew that secretly Jason and Leo were scared of him to. She saw Octavian slowly walk away, muttering something in Roman.

"Hello brothers!" the cyclops said. "Annabeth!"

Tyson ran at Annabeth, brining her in for a huge bear hug.

When Tyson let go he frowned. "Where is goat boy?" he asked.

"Yeah, where is Grover?" Percy asked Annabeth.

"He's at camp. He wanted to come Percy, but things have gotten really out of hand." Annabeth told him.

Jason yawned. "Well, it's getting late," he said. "We've all had a tough day. Let's get some sleep."

They all argeed, and started to head towards Camp Jupiter.

A girl was waiting for them. She had long dark hair and was wearing a purple blanket.

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