Chapter 14

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Hello readers, just wanted to say hi. Hi. And to dedicate this chapter to my new friend jasongrace567. She has a book that I really like. She made it up. Please, read it. It's really good! I don't own anything in this book. Credits to Mr. Rick Riordan. Back to the story.............


Leo was exhausted. He had been up all night, steering the ship to Rome. It was a nice night. He could see the stars and there was a warm wind blowing. He had made himself a cup of coffee to keep him up, but his caffeine boost was fading. Leo put the ship on auto pilot and went inside the ship. He quietly went into the kitchen to get himself another cup of coffee. Maybe even the whole pot. He found it sitting on the stove, still warm. He grabbed the milk from the fridge and a little bit of sugar and went back outside. He took the ship off auto pilot and zoned out. He needed to think about everything. He was still a little creeped out from the great prophecy. It always made him wonder if he was going to end the world. Then, there was Percy and Jason. They were both great leaders, but Leo had seen them arguing about which tactics to use. Percy was Greek and Jason was Roman. They both had different battle strategies. Good, but different. If things went south, Leo wasn't sure what side he would go to. Jason was his best friend, but Percy was Greek, like Leo. Leo hoped he would never have to make that decision. Piper would obviously go for Jason, right? Leo knew Annabeth would stay with Percy. He didn't know about Frank or Hazel. Hazel. She kept staring at Leo like he was someone else. Someone that she used to know, or someone who should've been dead. Leo wanted to ask her, but held back. Maybe he reminded her of an old boyfriend. Besides, she was with Frank. Leo didn't want to mess that up. They were happy together. Leo sighed, he was so confussed. He still didn't know if he was up for this prophecy. He was going to have to be alright with this, they were almost in Rome. His senses were telling him. There was a noise behind him. He jerked around, wide awake. He saw Piper coming towards him. Leo tried to hide the coffee pot, which was almost empty, but it was too late. She looked at it, eyebrows raised. Leo gave her a little smile. She smiled back. Still, there was this look in her eyes, thay something was bothering her.

"Couldn't sleep beauty queen?" he asked her.

" Had a dream. Didn't really feel like going back to sleep. I see you've been busy." she replied. "Have you been out here all night? Is that why there's a coffee pot out here?"

" Yeah." Leo answered with a yawn. He was getting tired, but he could sleep in the day.

"What was your dream about?" he asked Piper.

She hesitated. Leo cursed. Curse my stupid ADHD, he thought. Then Piper took a deep breath.

" I saw Enceladus. He's there. In Rome."

"That's impossible. We defeated him on Mount Diablo." Leo said.

" No, when Gaea opened the Doors of Death, he must have come back." Piper explained. "He's stonger, it looks like."

Leo was still freaked out with the doors of death open. If monsteres and villians were coming out, would his mom? Leo pushed that thought away. He had thought about it before, and didn't like thinking about it.

" Do you think that we'll have to defeat him again?" Leo asked Piper.

"I think so. He'll be mad, that's for sure. So will Ma Gasket. She's back too."

Well, I know who she'll be after, Leo thought in his head. Ma Gasket was probably still upset for Leo destroying her and her sons.

Leo looked back at the horizon, he couls see the sun starting to creep its way up. He could also just make out small bumps of land. Piper saw it too.

"How far do you think we are from Rome?" she asked.

" Eight hours, thirty seven minutes, and two seconds." Leo replied automatically. He didn't know how he knew it, he just did.

After a while, Leo heard someone else come on deck. Leo and Piper both turned around to find Jason, walking towards them.

"Morning," he said as he walked towards the coffee pot. He grabbed it, then frowned. He dumped it over, and nothing came out. Piper smiled at the funny look on Jason's face. He looked upset, and  somewhat confussed.

"I'm going to make more coffee, you're not aloud to drink anymore Leo." he said firmly. Leo nodded. He had had a whole pot of coffee, he was starting to get crazy, he could feel it. But, on the other hand, he was glad for all that caffine, this was going to be a long day, and Leo was gonna need an energy boost.

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