Chapter 11

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Harry should be here any moment now.

I take one last long look in the mirror and for the first time in a while, I'm actually pretty satisfied with what I see.

I decided on my simple long sleeved black dress that seems to hug my curves in all the right places. It comes a couple inches above my knee and it's really comfortable, but still fancy. I threw on a pair of nude colored heals.

For my makeup I went natural, with just the basics, but I added some dark red lipstick to jazz things up a little. I decided to straighten my hair tonight... which I'm quickly starting to regret since Harry has never seen my hair straight before. What if he doesn't like-

My thoughts are interrupted by the door bell ringing.

After getting my purse, I slowly walk down the stairs, careful not to fall and hurt myself in these heals.

I am surprised to see my Auntie Jill standing with Harry in the doorway.

God damn it- he looks so fucking good.

I mean, Harry always looks good, but tonight he's reached a whole new level of good. He's wearing this light blue button up that brings out the shades of blue in his eyes. And his hair looks different. He has it down completely, curls and all. His full cherry lips are pursed as he listens intently to what my Aunt is saying. His vibrant eyes are focused, but I have yet to see them as intense as the first time he ever looked at me. He seemed to peer into my very soul and it scared the hell out of me. No one had ever, and probably will ever, look at me the same way ever again. He doesn't intimidate me anymore though, his insides are filled to the brim with genuine goodness and all the sweetness in the world, regardless of his bad boy appearance.

They haven't noticed my presence yet, they're deep in conversation about the show Breaking Bad. I've seen an episode or two because Jillian's obsessed and apparently Harry enjoys it too.

I'm starting to get impatient leaning against the wall unnoticed, so I clear my throat from behind Aunt Jill and Harry immediately locks eyes with me. To my surprise, his lips part and his eyes to widen as if in awe and I feel my insides turn to mush.

I smile a cheesey smile at him and then send him a goofy wink and he grins back, eyes sparkling.

"Belle. You look amazing." Harry motions for me to join them so I take a couple steps towards them, but unfortunately, the heel of one of my unreasonably high shoes catches on the door matt. I stumble forward and Harry is quick to catch me in his arms, gently and securely. He eyes me carefully and I let out a laugh at his concern.

"Damn it." I pull away from him and the blush is hot on my cheeks. "I'm so clumsy. Thank you Harry."

"No problem. Are you sure you're okay?" I let out a giggle at his seriousness. He's so cute.

"Harry. I'm fine, you caught me. Thank you." I pinch his cheek and he breaks into a dimpled grin.

"You two are so cute together." Auntie Jill's voice startles me. I completely forgot she was there.

"We're not- we're just friends."

Harry nods and looks down at me.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say." She laughs in disbelief and I roll my eyes, "You kids have fun, okay?"

"Okay. Love you, see you later on." I give her a quick hug and Harry gives her a sweet peck on the cheek goodbye. He's quite the charmer and I can tell Aunt Jill is quite impressed, but that's naturally who he is. It's not fake, he really is that sweet and endearing. Dean was always fake.

I don't know how to feel about the fact that Auntie Jill basically called us a couple. I like Harry, I really do, but I don't know when I'll ever be ready for a relationship again. Dean was my first and I still need time to heal. Plus, I doubt Harry would ever want to date me. We're just friends. Friends.

"What are you thinking about?" Harry peers at me from the corner of his eye while he changes the radio station.

"Nothing important."

"I don't know about that, you seemed like you were trying to figure something out." Damn, he's good. I was trying to figure out my feelings for you, you goon.

"No. I'm just a little nervous to meet your friends." I lie. Well, partly. I am sort of worried about meeting them.

"Don't be. They're going to love you."

My phone buzzes wildly from inside my purse. I take it out and I drop my phone when I read the text I just got. 

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