Chapter 4

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"Get up." Dean's voice is sharp and full of rage.

I stay sitting there like a child, frozen in fear.

"I said get the fuck up!" His voice is more of a roar than anything else.

I scramble to my feet and before I know it my back and head collides with the bricks as I'm harshly pinned against the wall.

"Why do you make me act this way? You make me act this way." A wimper escapes my lips as the terrified tears wet my cheeks. He's right. He's always right. I did this to myself. Why do I always have to open my God damn mouth.

"I know and I'm so sorry just please- don't" is the only thing I have the strength to choke out as Dean's grip tightens on my already bruising arms.

"I make the rules around here you got that? You don't get to decide what's best for me. I know what's best for me and for you." His voice is low and scarily controlled, too controlled. I know he's about to explode and I have no idea what he's gonna do... it's always unpredictable when it comes to Dean. You never know how fast he'll turn on you, I know that better than anyone else. And I know him well enough to know there's nothing I can do to stop him.

"I call the shots, not you and not anybody else. That way you don't act like the useless whore you tend to act like when I don't. Do you hear me woman?"

I don't answer him, I'm unable to speak with my trembling mouth. I can't form any words or make any audible sound, no matter how hard I try.

"Fucking answer me when I'm talking to you!" He lets go of one of my arms and I almost think he's going to set me free, until suddenly his right hand collides with partly my left eye and cheek with a breathtaking force. The pain I'm feeling all over my body is becoming unbearable. My vision begins to blur, and my eyes involuntarily droop shut. All I can do is desperately hold on to the sliver of hope I have left and pray silently.

"Let go of her. Now." I hear Harry's stern voice coming from somewhere, but I can't open my heavy eyelids to see where and my mind is too foggy to figure it out. I feel like I'm going to pass out.

"Please-" Dean roughly clamps a hand over my mouth before I have the chance to finish begging for mercy.

"Go back inside. This doesn't concern you." Dean sounds so sinister. I find myself barely recognizing my own boyfriend's voice. Who is this conniving, evil man?

"I'm going to ask you one more time, take your hands off of her." Harry's voice is much closer now, he's only a couple feet away. I'm so beyond relieved that he's here I can't even begin to describe it. Overwhelming tears of happiness and relief gather under my closed lids, but they quickly vanish when Dean's grip on me tightens tremendously and his  work boots crush my nearly bear- flip flop covered feet.

"Well, that's not gonna happen." Vomit is rapidly raising at the base of my throat as I image Dean keeping me like this forever and not letting go of me. His hand that is still forcefully covering my mouth is beginning to suffocate me and the feeling of fainting is becoming increasingly intense. I let out a shriek of pain against his filthy hand.

In the blink of an eye, Dean is ripped off of me and I collapse to the ground.


does anyone else hate Dean? Cause I do.

Sorry this was kinda short I will post chapter 5 soon!!!

thanks for being the best, ily all


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