Chapter 1

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Fresh out of the shower, I throw on a pair of blue jean shorts and my favorite gray sweatshirt. I'm quickly pulling my wet hair into a bun when my phone vibrates.


I'll be there in 5. Be ready.

I let out a sigh and slip on a pair of black flip flops. I look into the small mirror above my dresser and add a quick coat of mascara to my tired eyes. Not having time to make myself anymore presentable, I hurry down the stairs. I grab a muffin off the kitchen counter as an all too familiar knock sounds from the front door. My boyfriend, Dean Smith.

Dean and I have been together for a little over 2 years now. We met in high school when I was a junior and he was a senior. He was the captain of the football team and I was a writer for the school newspaper, he was the most popular guy in school and I was not. One day, I interviewed him for an article about the school's undefeated football team and he invited me to one of his infamous parties. I was shocked and terrified, but agreed immediately. No one had ever invited me to a party before. Everyone told me I was the luckiest girl in the world that Dean was even remotely interested in me, and I believed them.

Dean asked me out at his party that night, he told me he was infatuated by my innocence and my apparent simple beauty. I obviously said yes... he was the guy of my dreams, and many other girls dreams. He told me that he wanted me to be his, and only his. We've been together since that night.

I believed every word that came out of his mouth, he had me wrapped around his little finger, and honestly, he still does. It's been a rollercoaster... this relationship, but he loves me. I know that much.

When I open the door, Dean is standing there, hands in the pockets of his black gym shorts. He's wearing a plain blue t-shirt and his usual white Jordan's.

I stand on my tippy toes as I plant a light kiss on his cheek. He towers over me at a little over 6 feet tall and his muscles are nicely toned. He's always been a very attractive, very intimidating guy, he's known for that. I, on the other hand, am just an average, very plain girl. I'm so lucky to have a guy like Dean, I know I'll never get anyone better. A girl like me doesn't deserve someone as great as him, but here I am.

I run a hand over his wavy blonde hair that's brushed to the left side, the way it's been since I met him. His caramel colored eyes hold impatience as I smile at my beautiful boyfriend that I haven't seen in, what feels like, forever.

While I was finishing my senior year of high school, he was off at his first year of college. Even though we didn't get to see each other everyday at school, we made it work. Dean came home almost every weekend to see me.

It's June now and we've both been out of school for a couple weeks, but we've both been really busy with college related things. I'm going to be attending The University of Maryland School of Nursing. Dean is going to be a sophomore at Morgon State University, he plays football there. It's gonna be great, we'll get to see each other all the time since we'll only be a 20 minute drive away from each other. But for now, we have the summer together.

"I've missed you." I say gently, looking into his swirly brown eyes.


Hi babies,

I have really big plans for this book, I think you're all going to like it!

You can contact me on my twitter @emotionalharryx or you can message me on here.

please comment with any feedback you have and vote if you liked it :)

ily all


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