Chapter 9

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Harry's P.O.V.

I feel like shit as I'm walking back to the table. Sarah doesn't even bother to glace at me as I sit back down, she's too busy looking at her damn phone.

Belle returns after less than a minute and hands us our drinks.

Her beautiful pink lips are forced in a hard line. Her face holds a certain sadness and I can tell she's trying to avoid my gaze.

She takes our food orders, I randomly order a cheeseburger because I was too busy observing her to look down at my menu.

I feel the need to ease the tension formed above her eyebrows.

There's so much I want to say to her, but I don't even know where to start.

I really don't know why I didn't stay with her at the hospital that day. I thought I was doing the right thing, but I wasn't thinking. I should have stayed with her and made sure she was alright.

I felt like when she woke up, she wouldn't want me there. I figured she wanted me to stay out of her personal life.

That Dean guy better not have come near her or I swear to fucking god.

Rage floods into my veins at the thought of him coming near her again. I don't know why I feel such a protection over her, but I do. I have no idea what I'm supposed to do. I want to be near her. What the fuck is wrong with me.

This date is shit. My friends set me up with Sarah here... who has said about 5 words to me since we got here. All I can think about is Belle anyway.

I watch as she rushes to another table, she really is beautiful, in a way I've never seen. I don't usually pay too much attention to girl's features at parties and shit. If I think a girl is hot then I'll hook up with her. Beauty doesn't usually cross my mind.

That's the crazy thing about Belle. She intrigues me in a way I've never experienced before. Her doe eyes, bright with greens and blues and her rosy cheeks. The way one dimple pops out when she smiles. The chocolate curls that frame her face. Not to mention her body... she has these curves that I have never seen on a woman. From the first moment I saw her, I knew she was different. The way she sheepishly batted her eyelashes at me at the tattoo shop. I feel drawn to her. Something I thought I'd never feel. I thought I'd always feel content with sleeping around and going to countless parties. I thought I was content with my life. Until Belle came crashing in.

I knew Dean wasn't a nice guy, I just had a bad gut feeling about him. When he left the room after I finished his god awful tattoo... I knew she was in trouble. And something about that innocent face had me running to the rescue.

It was so unlike me... I didn't really have much respect for women. I guess I've been surrounded by low life women for so long... I just lost respect for them. But never in my wildest dreams would I ever lay a hand on a woman. That is just plain disgusting.

When I saw Belle being crushed by the fucking maniac... I could barely contain myself. I wanted to make that pathetic excuse for a man suffer. I couldn't bear seeing her in pain.

That's what confuses me the most: why I care so much. I'm not an emotional person. I'm not someone who feels empathy for people they don't know. I'm selfish and I care about how I'm feeling and what I want. But suddenly all I care about is her and how she is doing and what she is feeling. She means something to me. Something I can't understand.

So here I am, watching her every move like a fucking creep. I need to talk to her, I have to. I haven't even touched my food, but I stand up and wander around the damn restaurant looking for Belle. I didn't even bother to tell Sarah where I was going. It's not like she cares anyway.

I spot her walking out of the kitchen. I approach her, trying to figure out what the hell I'm going to say.

She stops in front of me balancing plates upon plates of food in her hands. I realize that we can't talk here. She's working and she doesn't have time to chat.

"Can I do something for you Harry?" She sighs, her tone is sassy and she won't look at me. I don't blame her though, leaving her at the hospital like that was a dick move. I just need to talk to her and apologize.

"Actually yes," I clear my throat before continuing, "I need to speak with you, and since you're working right now, would you maybe want to grab some coffee in the morning or something?" I wasn't planning on asking that, but I'm going with it.

She peers up at me with those fucking beautiful eyes and furrows her eyebrows in thought. I can tell she's pondering on the idea.

"Okay." She finally says, giving me a small smile. I can't help the idiotic grin that spreads across my face. Why the hell do I feel like this. I feel almost... Giddy. I need to get a hold of myself. Jesus.

I motion for her to get back to work and she walks past me, still smiling.

I find myself back at the table where Sarah is still texting away. The only reason I agreed to go on this pointless date was to try to take my mind off the mysterious brunette with those enchanting eyes I met about a month ago. But ironically, it brought me right to her. And I'm so fucking glad it did.

"Sarah," She glances up at me, completely unamused, "I have to go." I say as nicely as I can muster. I can't stand this girl, but I have to try to be decent.

"Then go? I have my car. See ya." She snaps her gum obnoxiously and looks back down at her phone. I roll my eyes and place enough money on the table to pay for both our meals.

I find Belle before I head out, handing her a folded up napkin. I wink at her as I walk out the glass doors towards my car.


Hi guys!

I know there's been there hasn't been a lot dialogue in the last couple chapters, I just really want you to get to know the characters! Thank you all so much for reading and for voting and commenting it makes me smile!!!

Love you all xxx


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