Chapter 5

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hope you like chapter 5!

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After about 30 seconds of being sprawled out on the concrete unable to function or process what just happened, I slowly open my swollen eyes, but my left eye is so badly bruised that it barely opens at all. To my horror, Harry is on top of Dean, throwing countless, merciless punches at his face. Struggling to stand on trembling legs, I rush over to them as fast as my exhausted and beaten body will carry me and attempt to grab one of Harry's flailing arms.

"Stop! Please, stop!" My frantic plea is completely ignored.

Dean's face is covered in blood at this point and he's not even fighting back, but Harry isn't showing any signs of stopping. Dean is no match for Harry. If anyone else tried to stop Dean, he would've beaten them to a pulp, but Harry is an exception. And as thankful as I am that he was here to stop Dean from hurting me any further, this is my fault and I don't want Harry to get in trouble for something I caused. I need to stop this before it gets out of hand.

"Harry! Harry, please." My voice cracks and he slowly stops punching. He hesitantly stands up  and turns around with a scowl on his face, but his demeanor instantly softens when he looks at me and my tears sting my newly bruised cheek. Dean is completely unconscious, laying in a pool of his own blood.

He starts to move towards me with gentle eyes, but I panic as I back away. My back hits the brick wall and I wince in pain.

"I won't do you any harm. I promise, Belle. It's okay." the rasp in his low whisper is caring and sincere.

I look up at him for a moment, it looks like Dean may have gotten a few swings at him, but nothing too horrible. His lip is badly busted though... I feel more than guilty that he had to suffer injuries because of me and my stupid boyfriend.

He slowly inches closer to me and I involuntarily flinch. His emerald eyes flood with concern as he studies my trembling body. He carefully wraps his arms around me and gently rubs soothing circles into my bruised back. The gesture shocks me at first, but eventually I let loose and lean into him. I silently thank God for Harry. I've never been so shaken up before and I desperately need some comfort right now.

After a couple minutes of fisting his shirt as I cried pathetic sobs, I pressed my ear to his chest and the steady beat of his heart and the softness of his black cotton t-shirt calmed me. I almost forgot the pain I was feeling, both physically and mentally. I somehow feel a sense of peace, despite the state I'm in.

"Don't touch her!" Dean's voice is high pitched and frantic as it tears through me.

I knew it wouldn't last long.

I freeze in place as I feel Harry's body tense up and his breath quicken with rage.

I place a weak hand on Harry's cheek and gently pull his head down to look me in the eyes.

"Don't fight. Please, I don't think I can take it." My voice is hoarse and strained from all the crying, but I pray that Harry realizes how literal I'm being. I honestly don't know if I'll be able to handle anymore- of anything really.

He searches my eyes for a moment before briefly nodding.

"Just keep behind me." I nod quickly and he turns to face Dean, standing in front of me in a protective way.

Dean struggles to lift himself off the ground. When he's finally on his feet, he takes a step towards Harry. I let out a terrified whimper and Harry whispers that everything's okay, but I don't believe him. He doesn't realize that Dean's not going to leave here without dragging me with him.

"Dean, it would be best if you leave."

"Okay. Come on Belle, let's go." He takes two step towards us and I can't help but scream. Harry reaches behind him and grabs my hand.

"She's not coming with you. You need to leave. Now." Harry's voice is demanding, but Dean doesn't look phased.

"Belle. Babe, come on. I'll take you to lunch or ice cream whatever you want. Let's get out of here." I take one look at Dean's blood covered, bruised and swollen face and viciously shake my head.

"Belle, I didn't mean to hurt you. I love you, you know that."

"No." I whisper so softly I don't think anyone heard me, but Harry gives my hand a gentle squeeze.

"Baby, you have to know I didn't mean to hurt you. You made me do it, you made me act that way." Dean's face holds tremendous hurt, both physically and emotionally.

I let go of Harry's hand in guilt, I did cause this. This is my fault. Tears of guilt begin to run down my cheeks.

"I know." My voice is a little stronger than before, "I deserved it. I-"

"No Belle, he's messing with your head. You didn't do anything wrong."

Harry turns his head to look me in the eyes.

"You don't understand, Harry. If I wasn't such a bad girlfriend this wouldn't have happened." I've lost count of the amount of times these words have come out of my mouth.

"No! Belle, fuck no. Your boyfriend abused you, love. And I've come to think this isn't the first time."


Does Dean abuse me? The word has never crossed my mind.

"Get the fuck out of here, now." Harry says through his teeth as he turns to face Dean again. I can tell he's fighting to control his anger.


"I'm going to call the cops if you don't get out of here within the minute."

"I hope you know this isn't over, babe. I'm not done with you." His words send an unwanted shiver down my spine.

"You won't touch her again, you piece of shit. Get out of here." 

To my surprise, he walks away. He walks right over to his car without another word and I watch his ugly, old truck as it speeds down the road.

"Harry" I reach my hand out for him, "I think I'm going to pass out." My vision is starting to go blurry and black spots are clouding my vision and my knees feel weak. I've never passed before, but I have a feeling this is what you feel like right before it happens.

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