Chapter 20: The Cracks [Finale]

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It's been two weeks or so, I'm about 80% recovered, still can't walk without my crutches but eh, what can I do. This chapter is going to be really long. This chapter was originally 3 chapters. I combined them together into one massive chapter to hopefully make up for my hiatus.

Now that is out of the way, enjoy this chapter~

An explosion was set off in front of U.A. Everyone could hear it, as the flames roared throughout the school. All the classes rushed out to the entrance to see an invasion. The villains had attacked with a massive horde of people and Nomus outside the entrance.

"Heroes, we have come for the boy, Master wants him right now!" Shigaraki demanded through a loud speaker.

"You shall not take Young Midoriya, we will protect every student here at all costs, you criminals!!" AM shouted from the front entrance.

With Izuku and Haze
Izuku began to wonder the halls of U.A, speaking with Haze.

"So I'm guessing we'll be leaving soon after the heroes deal with that explosion?" Haze asked with curiosity clearly in his voice.

"Probably, I mean we did almost kill everyone in the auditorium and the summer camp." Izuku replied.

Izuku continued walking down the halls where he spotted broken glass littering the floor. The broken glass was everywhere, Izuku continued down the hall until something began to approach him. It was a Nomu, Izuku summoned his mask and charges a cero.

"Hassan!" Izuku screamed firing the cero at the Nomu. The Nomu fell to the ground missing it's top half. Izuku however ran down the hall to help everyone.

Timeskip brought to by Izuku firing Ceros at Nomus.

As Izuku got to the front entrance, every hero was tied up except All Might and Class 1-A.

"What the hell, can't any of you handle this correctly, they're villains for god sake!" Izuku shouted at everyone uprising them.

Every hero looked down in shame, as they knew the boy was right, but they felt useless.

"Ah, he finally showed up, the one we need!" Shigaraki said entering U.A front entrance.

All Might rushed at Shigaraki but was blocked by two Nomus who caught both his fist. All Might started to steam up meaning his time limit had caught up to him. Class 1-A were all backed into a corner by several Nomus meaning that they were out of the game. izuku just stared at the chaos.

"So Can I use the ultimate technique or is it still to much for my body to handle?" Izuku telepathically asked Haze.

"That I do not know unless you try Master, but I would recommend using it here right now." Haze replied.

Izuku summoned his ax out of thin air uprising the heroes, students and villains. Izuku clothes began to change into his battle outfit [From Chapter 7+8]. Izuku mask eye holes began to flare up into a green flame.
Izuku then began to swing his ax in a tornado formation and screamed
"BANKAI : Nightmare Abyss!!!"

A torrent of green flames begun to sprout out of the ground surround everyone. A dome then started to form over the top over everyone. The villains tried escaping, but they were covered in a black goo forcing them into the ground causing ripples to form like water.

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