Chapter 10: Berserker State Part 2

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As the class turned around, they all Izuku in front of them, charging up a cero in his hands. The class grabbed Bakugo and ran out to safety when they were cut off by the cero cutting off the escape route. They turned around to feel the pressure increasing around them.

"Drop him, or face the same fate!" Haze stated angrily with Izuku's voice.

The class were startled,they couldn't move as they were stuck in fear. Bakugo got out of Kirishima grasp and stood there in front of Izuku.

"You want me, come get me you f*cker!" Bakugo shouted to get Izuku's attention.

The class was warning him not to do challenge the beast in front of them but Bakugo being Bakugo stands up and wants to beat the shit out of him.

"And the fool wants a challenge he can never win, what a complete moron!" Haze stated making Bakugo even angrier than before.

Bakugo had enough and charged at Haze but was immediately pinned to the wall by Haze. Haze swung his ax up and swung down on Bakugo but hit something hard. It was Kirishima, Kirishima took the hit and drop unconcious with a massive gash on his back.

As he fell, he whispered "Go get him partner" to Bakugo. This surprised him as he wiggled got out of Haze's grip. He stared at Haze who blankly look at him.

"What, is there something on my face or do you want another beating!" Bakugo taunted.

Haze stated at him before throwing his axe at Bakugo. Bakugo couldn't react in time and ended up with an ax buried in his arm. Any deeper, his arm would've been cut off. Bakugo screamed in pain as he fell to the ground in pain. The class and The B3 watched in horror as the ax was in Bakugo's arm.

Haze approached Bakugo looking down at him in... Pity. All Haze felt was Pity for Bakugo while grabbing the ax and ripping it out of Bakugo arm. This caused Bakugo to scream even more as he grabbed his arm.

"You never learn, you arrogant piece of sh*t." Haze stated coldly before staring at the class and the B3. "Who's next, I'm bored now thanks to him." Haze says while throwing Bakugo at the students.

The B3 approached the beast carefully. The stood in front when Mirio stated "Us three are your next opponents, are you ready?"

"Fine, but beware I have the intent to kill from here on out, so don't hold back Mirio Togata, Nejire Hado and Tamale Amajiki." Haze stated coldly before backing away into a battle stance.

The B3 stood there, not knowing how the beast knew each of their names but got into battle stances a second later as Haze backed away.

"TACTIC 53!" Mirio shouted at the two behind him.

As Mirio said this, he vanished in thin air while Nejire and Tamale rushed Haze who stood there holding his axe in two hands not phased by anything.

Play the music at this part of you want full immersion.

Haze turned around to see Mirio rising from the ground slowly before singing

"They call me the freak of the fall"

The B3 were shocked that Haze had started singing while looking down at where Mirio was.

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